Car crashes through café window

The incident scene. Picture by David ParryThe incident scene. Picture by David Parry
The incident scene. Picture by David Parry
A MARKET place was sealed off and shops and businesses evacuated after a car crashed through the window of a cafe and hit a main gas pipe.

The Skoda, driven by an 88-year-old man, crashed through the front window of The Cobbles cafe in Birstall, Batley, at 11am yesterday.

Café owner David Krolak, 32, said: “It’s a miracle no one was seriously hurt.

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“The driver seemed quite shaken with shock and had a few cuts so he was taken straight to hospital. Thankfully it looked like minor injuries rather than anything

“About two years ago the same thing happened but the car didn’t hit the gas pipe.

“I’m hoping that the council might put up some barriers to stop it happening again. It’s a matter of time before someone gets hurt.

“The road isn’t particularly busy so I don’t know how this has happened once, never mind twice.”

picture: David Parry/

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