A clown like Boris Johnson as Prime Minister is no laughing matter - Yorkshire Post letters

Could Boris Johnson be the next Conservative Party leader? Photo: Peter Byrne/PA WireCould Boris Johnson be the next Conservative Party leader? Photo: Peter Byrne/PA Wire
Could Boris Johnson be the next Conservative Party leader? Photo: Peter Byrne/PA Wire
From: Peter Hyde, Driffield.

The media tells us that Boris Johnson is ahead in the polls to be the next leader of the Conservative Party.

I can only hope that the polls have again got it wrong, because it will be a case of ‘God help us’ if he does win the race.

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His clownish antics have already brought his nature into question.

Who would expect a serious politician to allow himself to be dangled from a zipwire?

His acting the fool will take this country even lower in the estimation of Europe than we already are under the queen of ditherers, Theresa May.

Surely amongst the Tories there is a reasonable, sane and sensible man or woman who could take on the mantle of government without us having to resort to clowns for the job?

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Although, when you think about it, many other political figures do come across as a bunch of self-seekers.

From: David Algar, Town Street, Rawdon, Leeds.

THE prospect of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister fills me with fear for the economic future of the UK (Tony Rossiter, The Yorkshire Post, May 18). I am somewhat consoled by the words of St Matthew – ‘if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch’.