Female investors urged to becomes angels

Jordan Dargue, group operations director for Growth Capital VenturesJordan Dargue, group operations director for Growth Capital Ventures
Jordan Dargue, group operations director for Growth Capital Ventures
The region's economy is suffering from a dearth of female investors and investment groups in the North are now calling for more women to become angel investors.

Women across the regions of the Northern Powerhouse are being urged to take part in the Women Angels of the North Investment Forum on November 12 in Leeds.

Organised by UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA) in partnership with fintech firm Growth Capital Ventures and Leeds-based NorthInvest, the event seeks to raise awareness among experienced women from business and the professions of the opportunities to back entrepreneurs.

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Currently, female angel investors make up a small proportion of the angel investment market and UKBAA’s research has showed that many women are unaware of the opportunity to use their financial and business experience to invest in growing small businesses.

Jordan Dargue, group operations director for Growth Capital Ventures, has helped organise the forum and will be on the panel.

“The Women Angels of the North event has a key focus of bringing together Northern-based like-minded women with an interest in investing, particularly those who want to see their investments make an impact and change lives for the better,” she said.

“Aimed at both new and experienced investors, we want to spread the word to women with an interest in investing. After all, women own more than 45 per cent of the UK’s wealth, but only 14 per cent of angel investors in the UK are women.”

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She said that the investing landscape is vast and varied, but male dominated and this needs to change for everybody’s benefit.

“The data shows that, as women, when we do invest, we do extremely well,” she said.

“There are so many inspiring women out there that have vast experience and knowledge and we want to encourage them to use not only their finances as an investment, but their knowledge and experience in backing the next generation of British businesses.”

Rachel Hannan, business adviser and angel investor, said that while the proportion of women Angel Investors grew to 14 per cent in 2015, there has been limited progress since then.

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“So it’s vital we tap into the women entrepreneurs who have already grown significant businesses as the next generation of Business Angels – starting right now,” she added.

“Which is why this event is so important in highlighting what angel investing can deliver, and sharing the experience of those already successfully doing it.

“We’ve got all the ingredients for business success in the North. We just need to shout about it, so it’s great to see this event taking place in Leeds. As someone who’s invested in over 10 businesses to date, a number run by women, I know the rewards can be far greater than just financial. It enables me to be part of the businesses exciting growth journey, create jobs and opportunities, bring innovative new products and services to the market and support the broader economy.”

For further information on the forum and how to get involved see www.womenangelsforum.org

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