YP Letters: Blair's '˜rise up' call over Brexit has echoes of Third World

Tony Blair delivering his speech in defence of the EU.Tony Blair delivering his speech in defence of the EU.
Tony Blair delivering his speech in defence of the EU.
From: Jim Pike, Nursery Close, Alwoodley, Leeds.

TONY Blair is reported as having made a speech against our withdrawal from the EU. In particular, he is reported as calling for Remainers to “rise up”. This puts me in mind of the politics one sometimes encounters in certain Third World countries (The Yorkshire Post, February 18).

An election that I win was the clear and unequivocal voice of the people. An election that I lose was rigged, flawed, bogus, unfair, and should be discounted and set aside. I then call upon my supporters to “rise up”, and ensure that my views prevail.

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I hope that Mr Blair is not asking his supporters to take up arms, as sometimes happens in certain Third World countries.

From: Stan M Hardy, North Close, Oakwood, Leeds.

TONY Blair’s self-promoting intervention in the Brexit saga is, at best, unhelpful and, at worst, hypocritical.

Blair’s claims that we were ill-informed when we entered the polling booths last June are easily trotted out, but actually did anyone in the Remain camp point out that the next logical stage of EU integration if the federalists get their way is a United States of Europe?

From: Dick Lindley, Altofts, Normanton.

IT is astonishing to read in your excellent newspaper that Tony Blair, who, on the basis of fictitious weapons of mass destruction, caused the deaths of hundreds of brave British soldiers in the Iraq war, should be arrogant enough to ask the British people to ignore the views of the vast majority of their fellow citizens and ask them to rise up and prevent Brexit becoming a reality.

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Unfortunately for Mr Blair, the British people are far too clever to allow him to influence our great nation again.

From: Dave Croucher, Pinfold Gardens, Doncaster.

TONY Blair should crawl back under the stone he has been under since he jumped ship when things started dropping apart due to his incompetent decisions.

From: Nick Martinek, Briarlyn Road, Huddersfield.

PERHAPS you need to explain precisely what you meant by “Theresa May has been left at the mercy of her more fanatical Brexit supporters” (The Yorkshire Post, February 18)? Most of the world’s nations are not in the EU – does that make them all “fanatical”?