YP Letters: Brain drain of developing world medics

Should smoking be allowed outside hospitals?Should smoking be allowed outside hospitals?
Should smoking be allowed outside hospitals?
From: Dr Robert Heys, Bar Lane, Sowerby Bridge, Halifax.

TWO years ago, you published a letter from my wife and I (The Yorkshire Post, May 27, 2014) headed “Medical brain drain concern”, expressing our dismay regarding the NHS policy of recruiting skilled doctors and nurses from impoverished nations overseas, to the detriment of health care provision in those countries.

Regrettably this policy still operates, damaging Britain’s previous excellent reputation in such matters, as exemplified by the compassionate reception of victims fleeing Nazi persecution prior to and during the Second World War.

From: David Treacher, Hull.

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THERE are many hospitals where patients and staff stand outside smoking every day, leaving their ash and cigarette ends on the pavement. But who clears them up? Not the smoker. Most hospitals are supposed to be non-smoking sites. Why do hospital managers allow this?

Fanaticism breeds hate

From: R Hartley, Leeds.

THE Rt Hon. Baroness Boothroyd quite rightly writes that this hatred must not rule our lives (The Yorkshire Post, June 20).

It will be difficult to control the far right’s hatred if the moderate Muslim community can’t control fanatical Muslims who want to murder innocent men, women and children in the name of Allah.

Tale of Tom Puddings

From: David Craggs, Shafton Gate, Rotherham.

C’MON The Yorkshire Post, surely there’s someone in your office who is old enough to know that the square floating boxes used to transport coal on our rivers and canals were called “Tom Puddings”, and not “containers”, as they were referred to in Picture Post (The Yorkshire Post, June 21). In fact in that particular edition there were two excellent photographs showing these most unusual “coal carriers”.

Much-delayed name change

From: Peter Higgins, Leeds.

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COULD we not re-name the Highways Agency as The Cone-Laying / Traffic Delaying /Patchwork Quilt Creating / Idiotic and Misleading Signs Displaying Agency? I know it’s a bit of a mouthful but it does seem more appropriate.

Rail plan is step forward

From: ME Wright, Harrogate.

IT would indeed be churlish not to acknowledge the significance of the long-awaited Kirkstall Forge and Apperley Bridge rail stations (The Yorkshire Post, Editorial, June 20).

Given the decades of under-investment in the North, it would also be naive to let the London and Home Counties mafia think that this will keep us quiet for a while. It won’t, and no doubt The Yorkshire Post will keep reminding them of this.

Broad Acres broadband

From: Gary Smith, Director of Conservation & Community, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Grassington.

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YOUR Editorial (The Yorkshire Post, June 22) lamenting the demise of the national Mobile (Phone) Infrastructure Project, asked why we can’t bring even the most basic broadband to places like the Yorkshire Dales. To misquote Mark Twain: the reports of its dearth have been greatly exaggerated.

Through the work of Superfast North Yorkshire and Connecting Cumbria, 86 per cent of the National Park will have access to superfast broadband by 2017. In the meantime, some of our smallest and most remote communities that are not covered by that roll-out programme, are doing what any self-respecting Yorkshire folk would do: sorting out their own service from Lancashire – through Broadband for the Rural North, a community-benefit society.

With every property in Masongill (population 40) about to get speeds of 1,000 Mbps, even the hipsters in Leeds might be a little envious of their rural neighbours.

Oil of human kindness

From: Christine Knight, Seamer, Scarborough.

I WAS driving alone from Scarborough to a location beyond Harrogate to visit a friend on Saturday when I noticed my oil warning light was on. I pulled into the next available garage which was the Co-op /Texaco near Green Hammerton and went into the shop to purchase some oil.

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The manager, Tom (I am sorry I don’t know his surname), not only helped me find the correct oil but put it into my car for me.

I was so grateful I would like to thank him publicly. It is acts of kindness, and going that extra mile, that restore our faith in human nature.

Vote of thanks

From: Matthew Smith, Endcliffe Vale Road, Sheffield.

IT would be good to hear politicians in Sheffield say something positive about the work our library staff and others do. Would they join me in thanking our hardworking library staff, and those who lost their jobs at community libraries?

To Coun Jack Scott who is responsible for libraries – can he confirm that the leases signed with the voluntary groups would enable the council to restaff libraries should the funding become available?