Protecting your mental health during COVID-19

Taking care of personal mental health is as critical as maintaining the health of your business.Taking care of personal mental health is as critical as maintaining the health of your business.
Taking care of personal mental health is as critical as maintaining the health of your business.
At Yorkshire Bank, the team care about you as much as your business. Here they look at the impact of COVID-19 and mental health.

We are hearing from hundreds of small business owners who are experiencing their biggest challenge ever, reflecting the situation across the economy.

Many businesses have been forced to close their doors to comply with social distancing and lockdown measures, leading to loss of income and fuelling significant financial uncertainty.

Nothing like this has affected the modern economy. There is no previous experience or case study to call upon for advice. The lockdown has wiped out a lot of income streams overnight and, with uncertainty over how long the situation is going to last, fears are rising over business survival.

There are encouraging examples of businesses which, with additional financial support from their bank and from Government, have quickly adapted and diversified. This is positive, but it can come with a price, in the form of added stress and worry as SMEs change their business models during an economic crisis.

These are unprecedented circumstances. The world has become a very different place in a matter of weeks and businesses that were thriving at the start of the year with a healthy outlook could now be looking at a very different forecast. Many business leaders will be experiencing rising levels of anxiety as they come to terms with the consequences of the pandemic.

We understand the unique pressures the current situation is having on SMEs. Our relationship managers provide an important support community for businesses and we urge customers to reach out early for help. We have packages of support available to assist companies and help ease the financial difficulties brought about by the coronavirus outbreak.

Added pressures, such as home-schooling children and concern for the health of elderly and vulnerable relatives, combine to create a very worrying time for SMEs. Anxious thoughts can spiral out of control and become overwhelming and, in some cases, debilitating. Taking care of personal mental health is as critical as maintaining the health of your business, especially during this testing time.

In addition to providing financial support for businesses, here at Yorkshire Bank, we have also taken advice from a qualified psychotherapist to help the wellbeing of our employees and customers. There are a few simple steps we can all take to maintain positive mental health during the current crisis:

Eat regular, nutritious meals to keep the body fit and well and aid brain function A good night’s sleep is especially important as things can seem much worse when we are tired While work can keep us busy and provide a focus and motivation, make sure you include variety and find time to rest Taking time for a hobby or interest can provide a distraction from the stresses of the day and help with relaxation If you are working indoors more than usual, it is important to ensure that you still get plenty of fresh air and sunlight to lift spirits, keeping within the current restrictions on time out of your home Especially important at this time is to make time to connect with others over the phone or video chats and share how you are feeling and managing.

Mental health and wellbeing have never been more critical. It can be easy to become bogged down by events and allow worries to intensify and overcome us. But help is available. The businesses who have so far reached out to us have subsequently described feeling less pressure, a sense of relief, and optimism for the future. Get in touch early and allow us to help your business. We will get through this together.

If you require any support, please contact Mind or NHS Choices.