Tory sleaze should be called out for what it is...corruption - Yorkshire Post Letters

The Houses of Parliament in Westminster. Picture: Sean Dempsey/PA Wire.The Houses of Parliament in Westminster. Picture: Sean Dempsey/PA Wire.
The Houses of Parliament in Westminster. Picture: Sean Dempsey/PA Wire.
From: Mike Baldwin, Nether Edge, Sheffield.

THE revelations concerning David Cameron’s lobbying for Greensill appear against a background of Government sleaze.

We know of the misuse of billions of pounds of taxpayers’ cash for PPE. We know of Robert Jenrick’s granting of planning consent to a Tory donor.

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In the first tranche of the Towns Fund, 39 of the 45 recipients had Conservative MPs. The cross-party Public Accounts Committee stated that the process for choosing recipients of the fund was “not impartial” and that decisions were “politically motivated”.

In a similar way, of 93 areas placed in the top priority group to receive money from the Levelling Up fund of £4.8bn, 31 are not in the top third of deprived areas, and 26 of these have Conservative MPs.

Five of these areas are represented by Cabinet Ministers. Rishi Sunak’s Richmond constituency and Robert Jenrick’s Newark constituency are hardly areas of multiple deprivation. Though the fund is supposed to be ‘levelling up’ it has ended as being ‘sliding down’, mired by pork-barrel politics, the buying of votes with cash.

We should be ashamed that we have a Government which cares little about how low it can sink. We should call it out for what it is: corruption.

From: Mr PL Taylor, Lockwood, Huddersfield.

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I NOTICE in the press that Sir Keir Starmer is taking advantage of difficult times and insulting the Tory Party re law and order. He seems to be a past master of kicking a man when he is down.

The British public will rue the day if they ever elect him and the Labour Party into power.

Sir Keir Starmer never seems able to say anything positive or refreshing and new. He is a master of the expression hindsight is a wonderful thing.

From: Peter Rickaby, Selby.

WHO does David Cameron think he is kidding? He must consider Joe Public to be daft. If contacting directly Government Ministers on behalf of the company you work for is not “lobbying”, then the moon is most definitely made of green cheese.