YP Letters: North needs connecting east to west

Chancellor Philip Hammond.Chancellor Philip Hammond.
Chancellor Philip Hammond.
From: Robert Craig, Priory Road, Weston super Mare.

AT the Conservative Party conference, the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, announced hundreds of millions of pounds to be spent on road and rail connections to HS2 as part of the Northern Powerhouse project.

What the North actually needs is east-west transport links; not north-south links to benefit London and the South-East.

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English England, north of the Wash, should have its own parliament in Leeds.

From: ME Wright, Harrogate.

AM I alone in finding it strange that front page space was given to the account of Leeds Council’s public transport balls-up (The Yorkshire Post, September 28)?

It’s more ancient history than news. Thirty years of municipal muck-up have reached the conclusion that their political grandads were right all along – just buses is the answer.

Carry on regardless of all contrary evidence; Sheffield, Manchester, Nottingham and cities across Europe – many of them far smaller than Leeds.

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Let’s hope that the next phase doesn’t take another 30 years. If it does, many of us will be denied the barren satisfaction of saying, once again, “we told you so”.

Why combine our councils?

From: Brian Nugent, Pecket Well Mill.

I MUST write to express my total opposition to any combined “super authority” in this county. I believe all elected mayors are merely a vanity project, regardless of which political party supplies the incumbent.

Prior to the emasculation of local government, in the 1980s, Yorkshire was governed by four metropolitan councils (South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Humberside and Cleveland plus North Yorkshire County Council). We had a pretty efficient transport system, especially buses, built council houses and each authority had a progressive economic development role. Social care was also far better, as was education.

What we have now is many smaller authorities, with far more responsibilities and far less power. In short, local government in this country merely carries out central government policy on an ever increasing reduced budget.

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A “super authority” with an elected mayor will not solve this problem, merely gloss over it.

Keep ranting please, Bill

From: Graham Kyte, Barnsley.

BILL Carmichael (The Yorkshire Post, September 29) makes no mention of Jeremy Corbyn’s reference in his conference speech to the 14 pages that the Daily Mail devoted to Labour bashing just before the last election – which saw Labour’s vote rise by 10 per cent.

He might just as well have mentioned Bill Carmichael.

As a Labour supporter, I sincerely hope The Yorkshire Post will continue to allow your columnist to continue his regular Friday rant until the next election takes place.

EU questions over Ryanair

From: John Appleyard, Firthcliffe Parade, Liversedge.

THE turmoil at Ryanair and the failure to give passengers proper information about their rights is to be debated in Strasbourg.

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Hundreds of EU citizens have been affected and many have lost money.

It’s good news that the Civil Aviation Authority is now acting tough and threatening court action unless Ryanair complies with EU law.

But for us in the UK, that begs the question of what happens after Brexit?

What rights will we have then? Another issue where we need guarantees from the Government.

Cyclists on wrong track

From: Hugh Rogers, Messingham Road, Ashby.

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IF Allan Ramsay (The Yorkshire Post, September 27) and his friends want a safe, smooth ride along a cycle track, may I suggest that rather than demanding that the rest of us stump up the money to pay for such enhanced recreational facilities, they instead consider using bicycles which are fit for the existing terrain? After all, you wouldn’t plough a field using thoroughbred racing horses, would you?

Save your natty speed machine for velodromes and similar venues where you will have the added bonus of not bothering (or being bothered by) car drivers.

A good all-round solution, I call that! I might also suggest that wearing trousers would solve the nettle problem.

Use Monarch jets for crisis

From: Paul Morley, Long Preston, Skipton.

THE Government is having to spend vast amounts of taxpayers money on planes and crews from all over the world to bring back holiday makers stranded by Monarch going into administration. Why can’t the Civil Aviation Authority just commandeer Monarch’s planes and use its staff to crew them, thus surely cutting down on taxpayers financial layout?

Diana would be so proud

From: David Quarrie, Lynden Way, Holgate, York.

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CRITICISM of Prince Harry is unfair. Thankfully he has many of the qualities of his late mother. His opening speech at the Invictus Games in Canada was especially good and caring. Prince Harry has a way of communicating with ordinary people. It is such a shame that Diana is not alive to see and hear all the splendid work her two caring sons carry out.

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