The Yorkshire Post triumphs at Regional Press Awards

Competitors scramble up Kilnsey Crag.  Picture by Tony Johnson.Competitors scramble up Kilnsey Crag.  Picture by Tony Johnson.
Competitors scramble up Kilnsey Crag. Picture by Tony Johnson.
A remarkable collection of moments frozen in time yesterday earned The Yorkshire Post's Tony Johnson the accolade of best daily photographer at the annual Regional Press Awards, organised by the Society of Editors.

Johnson’s winning portfolio included fell racers scrambling up Kilnsey Crag in North Yorkshire, and a survivor of the Holocaust, Irena Veisaite.

Simon Hulme, another photographer with The Yorkshire Post, was highly commended in the same category.

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The paper’s features editor, Sarah Freeman, was named feature writer of the year for a collection of articles which included her account of participating in a mass nude art installation in Hull, as part of its City of Culture celebrations.

Holocaust survivor, Irena Veisaite. Picture by Tony JohnsonHolocaust survivor, Irena Veisaite. Picture by Tony Johnson
Holocaust survivor, Irena Veisaite. Picture by Tony Johnson

Tom Richmond, the paper’s opinion editor, was shortlisted in the same category, and Lizzie Murphy, a YP business reporter, was shortlisted as business journalist of the year.

The paper itself was nominated as best daily newspaper with a circulation above 20,000, and its Saturday magazine was shortlisted as best supplement.

An exclusive story by crime reporter Rob Parsons, about links between two alleged police cover-ups in South Yorkshire received a further nomination.

The paper’s sister publication, the Yorkshire Evening Post, was shortlisted for publishing the year’s best front page, for its coverage of the murder of MP Jo Cox in Birstall.