Hewitt agrees new Steelers deal

Jason Hewitt.Jason Hewitt.
Jason Hewitt.
Jason Hewitt is hoping to mark what should be a record-breaking season for himself at Sheffield Steelers with more silverware.

The 31-year-old British forward has signed a new, one-year deal with the Elite League champions which will see him enjoy a 10th full season in South Yorkshire and, in all likelihood, exceed Ron Shudra’s record number of appearances for the club.

With 612 appearances to his name already, Hewitt has been granted a testimonial by the club and will start the 2015-16 campaign in September just 10 games behind the record held by club legend Shudra.

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“I’m hoping for a big year,” said Hewitt. “But by that, I mean winning trophies.

“The testimonial is, of course, a great honour. To play for a club like this for so long is a privilege and I have always considered it that.

“When I walked into the arena back in 2005 I didn’t think I’d play here for 11 seasons and have a chance to become the club’s longest-serving player.

“I respect Thommo (new Steelers head coach Paul Thompson) and like his style a lot, he had faith in me when he brought me onto the GB side and I will never forget that.”

Head coach Thompson added: “There was no question I wasn’t going to sign him back from the moment I agreed to come here. He knows what it takes to win.”