Farming help charities receive more than £700,000 funding boost

FCN, which runs the Farming Help helpline is one of the charities which has benefitted from the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust donationsFCN, which runs the Farming Help helpline is one of the charities which has benefitted from the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust donations
FCN, which runs the Farming Help helpline is one of the charities which has benefitted from the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust donations | jpimedia
More than £700,000 has been pledged to farming charities to help with isolation and mental health issues.

As part of Mental Health Week and with added pressures of lockdown, the NFU Mutual Charitable Trust has made the donations at what it said was a “crucial time” for support to be available.

Charities including The Addington Fund, Farming Community Network (FCN), Forage Aid, RABI and the Samaritans have benefitted from this first round of funding, which has been provided by parent company NFU Mutual.

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The donations will support individuals and families in farming and rural communities who are experiencing stress, worry or financial challenges as well as encouraging physical and mental well-being within communities.

Lindsay Sinclair, group chief executive of NFU Mutual, said: “We understand how isolation is affecting people and families and that people need these services now more than ever.

“The emotional and practical support offered by these charities will be vital for all our communities at this challenging time.”

Lisa Cardy, deputy co-ordinator for FCN Yorkshire, said the Yorkshire branch was “incredibly thankful” for the donation from NFU.

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“We have 40 volunteers working tirelessly to offer support to our farming communities, many of whom who work very long hours in isolation to provide food for the country,” she said. “This donation will allow us to continue to offer much needed support in these worrying times.”

Ms Sinclair said the cancellation of fundraising events meant many charities providing these vital services were facing a funding gap.

David Moyles, co-ordinator of the Rural Support initiative set up by the York branch of the Samaritans, said that, like other charities, they had set up an emergency fund as events had been cancelled.

“Every little helps, it really does,” he said.

In April, NFU Mutual pledged an additional £750,000 to its Charitable Trust to grant these donations, which have totalled £739,000, as part of an overall £32m support package committed to supporting its members and communities affected by coronavirus.

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It said a survey carried out among its members revealed nearly three-quarters of respondents were feeling more isolated.

“Our members have told us that loneliness, the strain of juggling home and work, financial pressures, lack of broadband and access to general amenities is impacting every inch of their lives and leading to feelings of heightened anxiety and fear,” Ms Sinclair said.

“As a result of Covid-19, we know that there are extra demands on charities, which is why we want to help them take care of the ‘now’ as well as the future financial health of their organisation.”

Jude McCann, chief executive of FCN, which runs the Farming Help helpline, said: “We expect to see the impact of Covid-19 reaching far beyond the coming weeks, as farming families face additional business and personal strains including bereavement and mental health issues.

“This invaluable donation will help us to continue our support, develop and facilitate new online training modules as well as vital helpline and mental health training to new helpline volunteers.”