Week Ahead: A-Level results and arrival of Glorious Twelfth to cause controversy

A-Level results are due on Thursday. Picture: PAA-Level results are due on Thursday. Picture: PA
A-Level results are due on Thursday. Picture: PA
A-Level results day will be even more nerve-wracking than usual, while the Glorious Twelfth will divide opinions again. Chris Burn looks into the week ahead.


A-Levels results day arrives on Thursday but there is likely to be even more tension and nerves this year than usual for students and parents.After the coronavirus crisis resulted in the cancellation of exams, teachers have submitted estimated grades based on previous results, predicted attainment and evidence of past work. Exams boards are then combining those projections with a statistical model based on their school’s past results in a moderation process developed with qualifications regulator Ofqual.

But there are growing concerns of a repeat of the situation in Scotland, where over 90 per cent of all moderated grades were downgraded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority, with the process reducing the pass rate of the poorest Higher pupils by more than twice that of the richest.

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