Teenage girl robbed Gumtree victims at her own Leeds flat

Channon Banks.Channon Banks.
Channon Banks.
AN '˜out of control' teenager robbed victims after tricking them into coming to her home to sell mobile phones.

Channon Banks threatened one victim with a knife after she contacted him via the Gumtree website posing as a potential buyer.

Leeds Crown Court heard the man turned up at Banks’s home on Harlech Road, Beeston, after she agreed to pay him £350 for his iPhone.

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Banks then took the phone from him and said she needed to go back into her flat to check that the phone worked on her wi-fi connection.

She then failed to come out of the flat despite the victim knocking on the door.

Banks shouted that she would stab his wife and child, who were sat in a car parked outside.

She later came out of the flat holding a kitchen knife and shouted further threats.

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Banks then robbed a woman four days later when the victim went to the her flat to sell her an iPhone for £100.

The teenager answered the door in a bathrobe and took the phone from the woman after claiming to need to check her wi-fi.

Banks then pushed the woman before running back inside her flat. The victim suffered bruising to her neck. She went to one of Banks’s neighbour and called police.

Banks pleaded guilty to two offences of robbery.

She has previous convictions for dishonesty and possessing an offensive weapon.

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Graham Parkin, mitigating, described the offences as “unsophisticated”.

He said Banks was bound to be arrested as she had committed the robberies at her own home.

She had also contacted victims using her own Facebook account and had used her own phone number.

Jailing Banks for two years, judge Geoffrey Marson, QC, said: “It seems to me that at the moment you are out of control and are unwilling to respond to community disposals.”