YP Letters: Establishment all getting in on Remain act

Prime Minister David Cameron wants Britain to remain in the EU. (Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire).Prime Minister David Cameron wants Britain to remain in the EU. (Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire).
Prime Minister David Cameron wants Britain to remain in the EU. (Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire).
From: Gordon Lawrence, Stumperlowe View, Sheffield.

The full weight of the Establishment is being thrown into the arena as Cameron’s dodgy dossier drops through our letter boxes to support the Remain campaign in the June referendum.

The Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, has already got into the act by warning of near Armageddon if we leave. The CBI and other business organisations voice the same fear and now the IMF has joined in on the act.

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It warns of global turmoil and disintegration of the EU if Little Britain were to sever our ties to the Continent by withdrawing from the Brussels bureaucracy. The impartial Barack Obama, on his visit to Britain, enters the fray by applauding Britain’s essential role in Europe.

The great and the good in the Remain camp have clearly got their tentacles into full working order as well as their teeth.

Soon I expect the environmental lobby to warn of an adverse shift in global warning and a proliferation of tsunamis if we vote to leave. If we exit, they say, immigration will in fact increase as the friendly French will shove their immigrants over the Channel and camps will appear all over England up to the Scottish border but no further as they will be put off by Nicola Sturgeon’s smile.

The economy will plunge into the deepest of Stephen Hawking’s black holes and “big business” will move over to the Continent to enjoy the company of their life-long buddies in the European Commission.

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Young people will no longer be able to gallivant and raise mayhem round Europe and unemployment will soar to unprecedented levels so that students will have to resort to selling the Big Issue at Calais.

Little Englanders will succumb to nostalgia for our cousins in Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania and our fish will suffer from old age and ennui hoping for the return of Spanish trawlers.

The NHS could improve, though, for there would be fewer cases among our civil servants of paper shufflers’ disease, otherwise known as Europhilitis, owing to the halt in EU regulation. Jeremy Corbyn, meanwhile, will resign in grief at the loss of the EU.

It’s enough to send the shivers down a mouse’s spine.

From: Martin Cruttwell, Hamilton House, Scrayingham.

Voters have been encouraged by many civic and religious leaders to regard the EU referendum debate principally about social/economic issues when fundamentally it is a battle between two opposing systems, legal and governmental. Which ever system we choose on June 23 will then decide our future for ever.

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Mr Cameron and his apparatchiks, having hypocritically paid lip-service to Magna Charta and 800 years of freedom under Common Law, government by consent and the most stable form of government known to man, now require us to surrender all that and for a diminishing commercial return meekly submit to the torrent of controls over every aspect 
of our lives issuing from a corrupt Napoleonic-style super state.

He thereby guarantees us that we will never again make our own laws of trade with Europe or the rest of the world and that police arrest powers that breach the presumption of innocence enshrined in Common Law will continue.

If readers still do not quite get it, the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev said: “The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to recreate communism in Western Europe.”

How ironic that in 1970 our Government told us we had to be in the EC as a “bulwark against communism”.

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Once again England must save Europe, this time by voting “out”.

From: Aled Jones, Southcliffe Road, Bridlington.

Like others, I will be voting to leave the arrogant EU in the forthcoming referendum.

If we stay in, Great Britain will be downgraded from a ‘nation’ to a mere ‘province’ – tantamount to disenfranchisement on an unprecedented scale.

Above all, we must never 
lose our ability to set our own interest rates, such an indispensable tool for managing our own economy for the national benefit.

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Put simply, relinquish control of the pound and we relinquish control of our very lives and our Country, unconquered for almost a thousand years.

From: Charles Lawson, Halifax Road, Huddersfield.

According to the pro-EU groups we are in a stronger negotiating position in international treaty negotiations in the EU than outside it.

A little bit of thought shows that this is a myth.

It is true that the EU carries more weight at international treaty negotiations than the UK alone would.

The EU’s stance at these negotiations is decided by 
the council of the EU. At the council the UK has 29 of the 345 votes.

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The council can vote to take a stance that is not in the UK’s interest and we would be powerless to do anything about it at the international negotiations. Outside the EU we could argue our case at the negotiations and cast our vote.

If we leave the EU we will not have to go along with proposals that are not in our nation’s interest. If we remain in the EC there will be times when we support proposals at international negotiations that will harm our nation.