YP Letters: Hatred of English magnified in young Scots

Is Nicola Sturgeon brainwashing the young?Is Nicola Sturgeon brainwashing the young?
Is Nicola Sturgeon brainwashing the young?
From: Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley.

BARRY Foster is quite baffled by Nicola Sturgeon and her hatred of England and the English (The Yorkshire Post, April 3). I agree and so do all my pals in West Yorkshire, the sooner we see the back of her the better!

An example of this hatred was recently experienced by a friend from Shipley, he went for a one week visit to see elderly English relatives in Aberdeen. They live in a retirement complex, he found all the older Scottish people pleasant and friendly, but not the young staff working in the large building.

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When he had to deal with them for anything they made their dislike obvious, surly, bordering on rude, slow with service, but they were conversely kind and considerate to any Scottish customers.

He reported Aberdeen was a ghost town, the centre abandoned by traders – their plight resulting from the crash of the oil price. The young blame England for a world phenomenon.

It seems Sturgeon’s SNP are brainwashing the younger generation in Scotland. Three generations of this and surely Scotland will eventually vote for separation from the UK?

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