Wakefield Trinity's Chris Chester delivering food to vulnerable people as players face mental test

HELPING HAND: From Wakefield Trinity head coach Chris Chester. Picture: Allan McKenzie/SWpix.com.HELPING HAND: From Wakefield Trinity head coach Chris Chester. Picture: Allan McKenzie/SWpix.com.
HELPING HAND: From Wakefield Trinity head coach Chris Chester. Picture: Allan McKenzie/SWpix.com. | other
WAKEFIELD Trinity head coach Chris Chester has been providing food for vulnerable people as charities continue to be impacted by the coronavirus outbreak.
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Chester volunteers at the Wakefield Street Kitchen each Wednesday evening but the volunteer operation has been unable to run since the country was placed into lockdown.

The Kitchen provides hot meals, as well as clothing and toiletries to anyone in need.

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COACH: Chris Chester has given his players training schedules during isolation. Picture: Allan McKenzie/SWpix.com.COACH: Chris Chester has given his players training schedules during isolation. Picture: Allan McKenzie/SWpix.com.
COACH: Chris Chester has given his players training schedules during isolation. Picture: Allan McKenzie/SWpix.com. | other

With the charity unable to carry out its normal work, Chester has stepped in to help some people who would regularly visit but are unable to.

“I would usually help the Wakefield Street Kitchen every Wednesday night,” said Chester.

“It is has been closed down so I am just trying to supply what I can to a couple, a brother and sister, who I have taken under my wing.

“I am just trying to supply as much as I can for them. Taking some fruit and veg, some cereal once a week, things like that to keep them ticking over.

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“They are not allowed to leave the house and with the kitchen being shut down it is very difficult for them to get any kind of food.

“There are a lot of people in a lot worse positions that what I am in and while I am in a position to help, I will keep helping those people.”

Chester has given the pair his own details so they can message him if there is anything they need.

The Trinity head coach is providing out of his own pocket and drops a food parcel at the door at least once a week.

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He added: “I told them if there is anything I can do to help to just message me.

“If that is a bit food or electricity, anything that they need I will try and help where possible.

“It is trying times for everybody and with the food there is not a great number of places where they can get some proper food. I took them a meat delivery last week and a big fruit and veg delivery as well.

“It all comes out of my pocket but while I can help, I will continue to keep doing that.”

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Chester has also been regularly checking in with his playing squad, who are currently training at home.

Each Trinity player has been sent a training programme to adhere to but Chester understands it is a challenging period for all of his squad, both mentally and physically with Wakefield last playing a competitive game over a month ago.

He added: “The players are keeping to the programme we have given them. It is very difficult because not all of them have the weights at home so a lot of the stuff is body weight.

Conditioning is just finding a field and running, doing as much as you can to keep ticking over.

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“It is challenging for everybody. There is nobody at the side of them to really push them. It is challenging mentally as well, you are all stuck in the same place for three and a bit weeks.

“I am enjoying my time at home, I am ready to get back to work but I can’t see that coming anytime soon.”