A new cafe where you can buy the table you're eating off opens in Leeds this month

A new café and retail space, that aims to blur the lines between home and hospitality, opens later this month.

The Collective, based at 34 Boar Lane in Leeds city centre, is a working showroom where customers can take their experience home. Almost everything is for sale, including the table you’re eating off.

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This is the historic Leeds building which is undergoing a £6.5m transformation

Inspired by the LA creative scene, The Collective is the brainchild of directors, Dale Wynter and Ellen Pryce, who both have experience in the retail and hospitality sectors. They notice a gap in the market and spent several years searching for the right location.

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The Collective, based at 34 Boar Lane in Leeds city centre, is due to open this month.The Collective, based at 34 Boar Lane in Leeds city centre, is due to open this month.
The Collective, based at 34 Boar Lane in Leeds city centre, is due to open this month.

Ms Pryce said: “We wanted to create a feast for the eyes as well as offering a space where people could re-fuel with some incredible food and drinks. Guests can peruse the art and dreamy décor in a really chilled atmosphere, giving them time to immerse themselves in the great-quality, hand-crafted goods we have for sale.”

The Collective also has moveable bookcases that reveal cosy corners for hosting meetings or catching up on work emails.

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James Mitchinson