YP Letters: Information overload of trying to stay in touch by mobile phone

Grandparents like Catherine Watson are struggling to keep up with mobile phone technology.Grandparents like Catherine Watson are struggling to keep up with mobile phone technology.
Grandparents like Catherine Watson are struggling to keep up with mobile phone technology.
From: Catherine Watson, Norman Road, Hatfield.

HOW much I identified with Jayne Dowle’s problems with mobile phones (The Yorkshire Post, September 12). She made me laugh out loud. I felt, as a 76-year-old grandmother, that I ought to get to grips with a smartphone to keep in touch with the family, including five teenage grandchildren who are spread far and wide, including America.

So earlier this year I embarked on the big adventure and have spent many hours since then learning how to use it. Or have I? I can do the simple things, make a call, send a text, take a photo – after that it gets very difficult.

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There are so many possibilities that are completely beyond my understanding. I get advice and help from all the grandchildren, but then I have to remember it for the next time that particular problem crops up, not easy.

Facebook seemed a good idea, but I’m very worried about what I say being beamed into hundreds of phones of people I don’t know!

I daresay I shall understand what all the apps are all about one day, but by then the next all-singing all-dancing mobile will come out and I shall be back in the olden days with a useless outdated phone. How much I agree with Jayne’s statement “I’m simply not mentally geared up to assimilate that much information”.