Bear Grylls says ‘’Congratulations to the Boston Spa Explorers. You make all the difference’’

Chief Scout, Bear Grylls said ‘’I’m so proud that the Boston Spa Explorer Scouts has opened. This is good news for Scouts and good news for the local community too. This means that more young people in Central Yorkshire will be gaining skills for life, making new friends, preparing them for a brighter future. They also get the chance to be active citizens, making a difference in their local area. Why? Because as Scouts we make a promise to help other people.

Scouts helps young people step up, speak up and dream big. It helps them play their part and take the lead, giving them skills for employment and education. We get outdoors as much as we can too of course, and we know this helps young people feel better about themselves and the world around them. That’s the power of Scouts and the wild.

Now more than ever, our young people need the confidence and encouragement that Scouting gives. Young people are amazing. They just need the opportunities and a friendly, safe, and supportive place to discover their talents. That’s where we come in.

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I’m so proud of everything the team at Boston Spa Explorers are achieving - not least the incredible kindness and generosity of our adult volunteers who make it possible. These are ordinary people from local communities who make an extraordinary difference.

Bear Grylls - Chief ScoutBear Grylls - Chief Scout
Bear Grylls - Chief Scout

To be a volunteer in Scouts you don’t need incredible outdoor skills or know how to use a map and compass. We can teach you all that. What’s really needed is a smile, patience, and willingness to share a little time to help others. I promise you’ll get back ten times what you put in – including new skills, new friends, and a renewed sense of the difference we can make when we work together.

A very big thank you to every Scout, parent, carer, and volunteer who’s made this happen. Together, we’re a force for good, helping shape a new generation.

Be part of this amazing story and volunteer today.

Bear Grylls OBE

Chief Scout

To find out more contact the team at [email protected]

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