A Level results: Ilkley Grammar School

A-level resultsA-level results
A-level results
The Yorkshire Post's A-Level results service

L Abbey geog*, hist, gov and polits; I Almond biol, eng lang and lit*, germ*, psychol**; K Archer busi studs, maths**, psychol; L Barningham biol*, busi studs, psychol, exp**; W Basey busi studs, comp, maths; P Bennett biol, hist, psychol; L Betts eng lit, geog, psychol; H Bibby biol, eng lang and lit, rel studs; S Blears chem*, econ*, maths; D Bond chem, maths*, phys*; R Brear comp, maths, phys; F Brooks biol, geog*, hist; L J Brown biol, chem, econ; L E Brown hist*, psychol, rel studs*, exp**; W Buckley busi studs, econ, geog; R Bura eng lit, gen studs, geog, gov and polits; S Button biol, chem, maths*; J Bye biol, busi studs, psychol; L Carter eng lit, fren, span; H Chippindale biol, geog, psychol, exp*; A Choudhry busi studs, sociol; J Clark eng lit, gen studs, sociol, span;

S Clarke biol, eng lang and lit, psychol; B Claydon busi studs, sociol, pe; O Clayton biol**, maths*, phys*; E Collier prod des, maths, phys; W Collins econ, hist, maths, exp*; C Connolly dram and theat studs, eng lit, psychol; K Cooper chem, maths*, phys; M Cooper art and des*, eng lit, sociol; T Cowell chem**, maths**, frth maths**, phys**; F Cram eng lit, gen studs, gov and polits, span; R Croft econ, geog, maths*, exp*; K Dalzell geog, sociol, pe; K Dilenardo eng lit, rel studs, sociol; E Doyle eng lit, hist, sociol; A Edwards biol*, chem*, geog*; S Elliott biol*, chem, psychol; A Fowler psychol, sociol, pe; E Foy geog*, hist, ict; T Fripp chem, econ**, maths**; E Galtry chem**, maths**, phys; R Gilbey fren, sociol, span; R Hagan biol**, geog*, psychol*; R Haggart chem*, maths*, phys*, exp* B Haigh eng lit*, hist**, gov and polits**, exp**; L Hall eng lit, rel studs, sociol; J Hardaker econ, hist, maths; K Hardaker econ*, eng lang and lit, geog*; M Harper eng lit, gov and polits, rel studs; M Harris eng lit, geog*, med studs*;

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M Haver chem, geog, maths; J Hawdon biol, prod des, maths; D Hayes chem**, maths**, frth maths**, phys**; M Heap econ*, maths, span; M Heathcote biol, econ*, hist; F Hebbert eng lit, geog, span; G Hepworth chem, maths, rel studs; T Hepworth gen studs, maths, mus, span; T Hewitt chem**, maths**, phys**; T Hills biol, chem, maths; I Hirst biol**, chem**, maths*; P Holdsworth dram and theat studs, eng lit, med studs; K Howard biol, maths, psychol; A Hussain comp, econ, maths; H Illingworth biol, econ, maths; J Inglesfield maths**, frth maths**, phys*; M James chem, psychol*, rel studs*; K Jennings busi studs, maths, psychol; D Jones eng lit, rel studs, sociol; S Jones chem, maths*, phys*; T Kerr econ, gen studs, geog, maths;

N Kett econ, hist*, gov and polits*; A Lafbery biol, geog**, span; D Lawton chem, comp, econ; S Lewis busi studs, geog, ict; E Lord biol, geog, maths; T Luxton biol*, chem, maths; S Macgregor biol*, maths, pe; G Malir biol*, chem*, maths*; H Margerrison eng lang and lit, sociol, span; P Marston hist, gov and polits; T Matthews chem**, maths**, frth maths**, phys**; O Mellor psychol, rel studs, sociol; M Merrett chem*, maths**, frth maths*, phys*; M Miller busi studs, ict, sociol; R Milligan chem*, maths*, phys*; L Millward art and des, eng lang and lit**, geog*; R Mon-Williams maths*, frth maths**, phys*, exp**; M Moore biol, maths*, phys; H Morris eng lit, hist, rel studs*;

J Morris hist*, maths, phys*; J Murray maths*, psychol, rel studs; J Mustow chem, maths, phys; R Newton chem, maths, phys; B O’Connor biol*, busi studs**, chem*; G O’Hooley biol*, chem*, eng lit; A Oliver eng lit, fren, span; J Parkes prod des, ict, sociol; D Penhale biol, geog, maths, exp**; B Pickersgill geog, sociol, pe; G Pickersgill prod des; H Pitches dram and theat studs**, eng lit*, hist, exp**; A Pollard eng lit, hist, maths*; N Portwood biol, chem, psychol; J Ransome biol, chem, maths*; O Regan eng lit*, psychol, rel studs; W Rice-Birchall busi studs, econ, psychol; N Richardson chem, geog*, maths*; E Roberts hist, gov and polits, span; F Robinson busi studs*, psychol, sociol*; L Rouse gen studs, hist, psychol, sociol; J Ruddock fren, maths, span; A Saunders eng lit**, gen studs**, hist**, maths*; S Shaw biol, chem, phys; R Shouler-Harris biol, geog*, rel studs, exp; H Simpson biol, psychol, sociol; J Simpson biol, comp, geog;

T Singleton busi studs, geog, sociol; C Slater dram and theat studs*, eng lit*, hist; J Smith hist, gov and polits, rel studs; J S Smith biol, geog*, psychol; P Smith geog, mus, span; D Spence chem, maths*, psychol; J Stead biol, econ, geog; S Stead eng lit, hist, rel studs; T Stephens biol**, chem*, maths**, exp**; E Sturrock busi studs, psychol, sociol; J Teesdale biol, geog, pe; E Tetley maths, psychol, rel studs, exp; E Thomas econ, geog*, gov and polits; K Thompson biol, geog*, psychol; L Tong biol, geog*, psychol*; H Turk eng lit, rel studs*, sociol*; E Waite busi studs, econ, eng lang and lit; G Waller biol, geog, maths; D Webb biol*, eng lit, psychol*; I Wellman-Brown biol, chem, geog; R Wenmoth eng lit*, fren, sociol; K Whamond biol, eng lit, psychol; J Williamson gen studs, geog, rel studs, pe; L Williamson biol, chem, phys; N Wills biol*, dram and theat studs**, eng lit*; A Witty econ, hist, psychol; A Wright biol, eng lang and lit, psychol;


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Grade A passes marked by an asterisk (*); Grade A-star passes marked by two asterisks(**). Accounting - account; Ancient history - anc history; Applied art and design - apld art and des; Applied art and design (dble award) - apld art and des2; Applied business - apld busi; Applied business (dble award) - apld busi2; Applied ICT - apld ict; Applied ICT (double) - apld ict2; Applied performing arts - apld perform arts; Applied science - apld sci; Arabic - arab; Archeology - arc; Art - art; Art and Design - art and des; Bengali - beng; Biology - biol; Biology and Human Biology - biol and hum biol; Business Studies - busi studs; Chemistry - chem; Chinese - chin; Classical Civilisation - class civil; Communication Studies - com studs; Computing - comp; Critical Thinking - crit think; Dance - dance; Design and Technology - des tech; Drama and theatre studies - dram and theat studs; Economics - econ; Economics and business studies - econ and busi studs; Electronics - elect; English Lang - eng lang; English Lang and Lit - eng lang and lit; English lit - eng lit; Environmental Science - environ sci; Film studies – film; Fine Art – fine art; French - fren; Further Maths - frth maths; General studies - gen studs; Geography - geog; Geology - geol; German - germ; Government and politics - gov and polits; Graphics communication - graphic com; Gujerati - guj; Health and Social Care - health and soc c; Health and Social Care (double award) - health and soc c2; Human biology - hum biol; History - hist; History of art - hist art; Home Ec - home ec; ICT - ICT; Latin - lat; ; Law - law; Leisure studies - leis studs; Leisure studies (double award) - leis studs2; Maths – maths; Maths (further additional) – F A maths; Media Studies - med studs; Music - mus; Music technology - mus tech; Panjabi - panj; Performance studies - perf studs; Performing arts - perf arts; Philosophy - philos; PE – pe; Photography - photy; Physics – phys; Product Design – prod des; Psychology - psychol; Religious Studies – rel studs; Russian - russ; Science - sci; Science in Society - Sci Soc; Sociology - sociol; Spanish - span; Sport abd Physical Education - sport and pe; Statistics – stats; Textiles - textiles; Theatre Studies - theat studs; Travel and Tourism - trav and tour; Travel and Tourism (double award) - trav and tour2; Urdu - urdu