Inspiring confident young women – The Mount School Sixth Form

Inspiring confident young womenInspiring confident young women
Inspiring confident young women
“I am a real advocate for The Mount School as I recognise how it has shaped me as a person. I have gained determination, personality, a wonderful education but most of all confidence,” Mount pupil Abigail as she prepared to leave for university this summer.

The Mount School Sixth Form College has a strong reputation for producing a very special kind of young woman: mature, quietly confident, comfortable to be herself, to think independently, to live adventurously and to be critically conscious of the world around her while having consideration for others. This can often be attested the school’s all-girl setting and its strong Quaker ethos. Here current and former pupils of The Mount Sixth Form tell us why they believe The Mount inspires confident young women.

“Since joining The Mount my confidence has grown massively. The Mount has been life changing for me. I wish I had joined sooner! I can truly say during my time here I have grown into the best version of myself. You can achieve far more than you could ever believe here, surrounded by people who want you to succeed. The all-girl environment means everything is more relatable. Nothing is embarrassing. Surrounded by like-minded individuals, you can just be yourself,” explains Denva who joined The Mount for Sixth Form and is now completing a degree apprenticeship in Veterinary Medicine.

“I’ve always been outspoken, but The Mount and the Quaker ethos has changed my perspective. I am aware of others and motivated to work hard and do my best,” adds former pupil Rosa who went on to study Criminology with the goal of joining the Metropolitan Police.

Confidence and aspiration at the heart of the Sixth FormConfidence and aspiration at the heart of the Sixth Form
Confidence and aspiration at the heart of the Sixth Form

It is not only the school’s environment that nurtures pupils, but the bespoke education and guidance pupils receive in the Sixth Form. “I have experienced an outstanding academic environment and I have developed a love for my subjects. This is due to the small class sizes; it means every individual receives quality academic support. The all-girl environment has given me more confidence in lessons to ask questions without embarrassment, and to have big aspirations compared to my previous experience in a co-ed school,” explains Mary who joined The Mount to study A Levels and is now studying Computer Sciences and Maths at university.

“The success of every girl is a result of the teacher’s dedication and passion for their subject and the ethos of The Mount, for every girl to succeed to the best of her ability. One of the many benefits of The Mount over larger Sixth Forms is that all the time, but particularly during the UCAS process, there is more individual help and support. Careers lessons, UCAS workshops, lectures, and individual personal tutors provide the very best personal help and guidance to make everyone’s application the strongest possible,” adds Tori who went on to study Architecture at university.

“Life inside the classroom is tailored to you and your way of learning; this is achievable by the small class sizes, and the close relationship with teachers. All the staff at The Mount have been very supportive. The Mount is empowering it provides you with strength and support to take on the world!” enthuses Georgia, who is working at Greencore, convenience foods producer on their degree apprenticeship scheme.

Opportunities are at the heart of The Mount's offering; pupils are encouraged to explore their current interests and develop new ones. As well as the vast array of clubs and activities, the girls also have leadership opportunities, and opportunities to explore beyond the school gates. “In Summer 2022, a group of Sixth Formers went to Iceland for 3 weeks on a Borealis Expedition. They said it was an experience they will never forget. In the summer of 2024, another Borealis Expedition will take place for Sixth Form pupils, this time to Greenland. This Summer, I and other College girls will travel to Namibia for 3 weeks. I am so excited about, this life-changing opportunity that will not only inspire me but also help so many people who live there,” describes Izzy a member of the school’s current Leadership Team.

The Mount School Sixth Form College has a strong reputation for producing a very special kind of young womanThe Mount School Sixth Form College has a strong reputation for producing a very special kind of young woman
The Mount School Sixth Form College has a strong reputation for producing a very special kind of young woman

The Mount has dedicated Sixth Form Facilities including personal studies, a common room, A-Level Science labs and an A-Level Art studio. “We are provided with amazing facilities such as our studies, they are the perfect space to work. This space gives us the opportunity to work hard in our study periods, stay later into the evenings and come in on a weekend to do our work if we wish,” adds Izzy.

“Having our own space for socialising brought the whole Sixth Form together. I am often asked why I like The Mount and I can answer it simply, the people and the community. The welcoming and supportive environment allowed me to develop academically and socially. I made amazing friendships for life,” states former pupil Izzy who is working as a Marketing Graduate Trainee at L'Oreal.“Our small Independent School environment means that students can hone their skills during the two A-Level years to get the best results they can. Girls have the confidence to have big dreams and aspirations, through supported study, they can push themselves to achieve these with highly skilled and knowledgeable teachers motivating them at every turn,” states Joanne Goudriaan the Head of The Mount School’s Sixth Form College.

“The Mount without a doubt will encourage and push all your individualities and strengths. Regardless of what you want to achieve the all-girl Quaker ethos will encourage you to go for it.”

To find out more about Sixth Form at The Mount School visit their Sixth Form College Information evening on Wednesday 19 October. Register here.