83-year-old driver had failing vision when he ploughed into and killed cyclist

An 83-year-old driver who killed a cyclist, after running into him from behind, had failing eyesight, a court heard.

James Wardle, from Rotherham, failed to see 54-year-old Glyn Straw who was returning home after a day out with Sitwell Cycling Club, when he ploughed into him in his VW Golf on Pleasley Road.

Around 1pm on September 4 2022, Mr Straw started to travel home towards Aston. At the time, Wardle and his wife were driving back from Rotherham Hospital in the same direction.

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Wardle collided with Mr Straw from behind, causing him to go over the roof of the car.

Glyn Straw - a much-loved husband, father, son, brother and friend to manyGlyn Straw - a much-loved husband, father, son, brother and friend to many
Glyn Straw - a much-loved husband, father, son, brother and friend to many

Other motorists stopped and called 999 but he sadly died at the scene. When officers arrived Wardle failed a roadside eyesight test and was unable to read a registration plate 20m away.

Tests later showed that Wardle had degenerative eyesight problems, a contributing factor to his inability to see Mr Straw which had been previously undiagnosed.

Wardle who had earlier pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving was given a suspended five month jail sentence at Sheffield Magistrates on Friday. He was disqualified from driving for five years and ordered to pay £2,000. He must take an extended driving test following his disqualification.

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Glyn’s family paid tribute to “a much-loved husband, father, son, brother and friend to many, tragically taken in avoidable circumstances whilst out on a bike ride, something he really enjoyed doing and was highly proficient at”.

Sergeant John Taylor said : “My thoughts are today with Glyn’s family who are continuing to grieve their loss. Glyn was a keen cyclist; it was his hobby and passion. He knew how to stay safe and rode in a sensible manner, he may still be alive today if Wardle had made different decisions.”