Bodycam footage shows police chase drug dealer who drove at 70mph in 30mph zone

This video shows the moment police officers chase a drig dealer who was speeding at 70mph in a 30mph zone before eventually arresting him.

Ryan Nisbet has been jailed for three-and-a-half years after pleading guilty to aggravated vehicle taking and dangerous driving, being concerned in the supply of cocaine, possession with intent to supply cocaine and possession of cannabis.

He was chased by police who attempted to pull him over when it was noticed the Ford Fiesta he was driving in Wath-upon-Dearne in Rotherham had false number plates.

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Nisbet ignored calls to pull over and hit speeds of 70mph in a 30mph zone, as well as travelling at 50mph dpwm a narrow street with parked cars which led to him to crash. He then got out of the car and tried to run away.

Ryan Nisbet, 23, of Armthorpe Road, Intake, admitted to having drugs in his possession and said that he'd been paid to drive the stolen vehicle.Ryan Nisbet, 23, of Armthorpe Road, Intake, admitted to having drugs in his possession and said that he'd been paid to drive the stolen vehicle.
Ryan Nisbet, 23, of Armthorpe Road, Intake, admitted to having drugs in his possession and said that he'd been paid to drive the stolen vehicle.

He tried to climb over a fence on Moor Road, but officers managed to catch and arrest him.

As he was being arrested Nisbet, of Armthorpe Road in Intake, told officers he had drugs on him and had been paid to drive the stolen car. However, the 23-year-old’s phone was seized, with analysis showing damning evidence he had been involved in the supply of illegal drugs.

Temporary Detective Inspector Laura Procter, from Doncaster's Operation Fortify team, which tackles serious violent crime and organised criminality across the county, said: "Nisbet's version of events just didn't add up. When he was first arrested, he claimed he wasn’t driving the vehicle but he later said that he'd been paid to drive it instead. He admitted to having drugs in his possession and a drugs expert concluded that the amounts recovered far exceeded what would be considered 'personal use'.

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"The pursuit of the vehicle led to the arrest and prosecution of two drug dealers who I'm pleased are now behind bars after being given custodial sentences. A lot of hard work went into this case, with meticulous forensic enquiries, drug testing and video compilations all helping to secure charges against these two individuals.

"We won't tolerate the supply of drugs in Doncaster and South Yorkshire, and we will continue to pursue those who deal illegal substances in our county."

Stan Bentley, of Stuart Street, Thurnscoe, who was a passenger in the vehicle, was arrested by another officer after running away in another direction. He was jailed for five-and-a-half years after being sentenced in relation to the incident, and for his role is supplying drugs across Doncaster in another case.

Bentley, 25, was working as a dealer for the Bolton Line and was caught supplying drugs in the Mexborough area of the city last year.

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He was given a two-year sentence for supplying cocaine in June 2023 and an additional three-and-a-half year sentence for being concerned in the supply of cocaine between 2019 and 2022.

PC Lee Ashworth, who was the officer in charge of Bentley’s second case, said: "Bentley has been given a hefty sentence and every dealer we remove from the network dismantles the capabilities of organised crime groups (OCGs) who profit from these illegal transactions.

"We won't tolerate the supply of illegal drugs in Doncaster and this operation is continuing to have a huge impact on tearing apart the operations of unscrupulous individuals involved in this kind of criminality."