Christopher Farrow: Daughter’s parole board battle to keep shoe fetish killer in prison

It will be the third time Tracey Millington-Jones will have to relive the horror of her mum’s murder in front of a parole board panel.

Tracey again faces the prospect of going into a prison to read her victim statement to strangers in her fight to keep sex killer Christopher Farrow locked up. During the hearing at HMP Whatton, Nottinghamshire, Tracey will detail how her life was torn apart after Farrow raped and murdered her mum Wendy Speakes in the random killing almost three decades ago.

It is part of her fight to convince authorities that the 61-year-old remains a danger to women everywhere. She will have endure the same process every two years while ever Farrow seeks freedom.

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Tracey said: “In March 1994 my whole world changed forever. I had a phone call saying my mum had not arrived for work. I knew my mum so well, we spoke every day and were very close. I knew then that my world had changed forever. I just did not know how until the police told me my mum had been found stabbed, raped and murdered in her own home. Initially, I was in denial, my body went into shock.

Tracey Millington-Jones with mum Wendy Speakes on her wedding day in 1993.Tracey Millington-Jones with mum Wendy Speakes on her wedding day in 1993.
Tracey Millington-Jones with mum Wendy Speakes on her wedding day in 1993.

“This does not happen to a lovely lady like my beautiful mum; popular and kind and liked by everybody who ever met her. My heart was broken. My mind and body had totally shut down. During the first early months I could not sleep or eat properly. I lost weight and was put on strong anti-depressants and sleeping tablets to cope with the enormity of what had happened to me. Mum was my best friend and confidant.

“She even gave me away on my wedding day in 1993. Little did I know those photographs, videos and memories would be marred by the fact these were the images used on Crimewatch and by the media eight months later when she was murdered. She would have been horrified to think her speech was broadcast on national TV, but pleased she had her lovely blue outfit and pearls on.”

Farrow was eventually caught after six years thanks to advances in fingerprint technology. A partial print left at the scene was linked to Farrow after he was convicted of drink driving.

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Tracey added: “During that time, I looked suspiciously at every man I came into contact with. My male family members, work colleagues, strangers in the street that looked like the photo-fit, wondering if the murderer was one of them, until he was finally caught. The dreams were so vivid I would wake thinking it was all a bad dream and then the realisation would hit me hard that mum was dead, it was real.

Wendy Speakes.Wendy Speakes.
Wendy Speakes.

“The panic attacks would start affecting my life, my job, my friendships and my marriage. I would burst into tears at the thought of what she went through, her last thoughts. The torment of these questions are on my mind even to this day and will be with me constantly for the rest of my life. It is like a waking nightmare from which there is no escape and no closure.”

Farrow was given a life sentence in November 2000 after pleading guilty to the murder and rape of Mrs Speakes. He also admitted the attempted burglary of another woman’s house with intent to rape her on the same day, less than an hour earlier.

Tracey said: “The feeling of relief was immense. I felt safer and more secure knowing justice had finally been served for mum and that women were now safe from this stalking, shoe fetish rapist and murderer. I reluctantly accepted that capital punishment was never going to be an option for mum’s murderer. But in doing so I assumed that a life sentence would meant just that, and that Farrow would remain in prison for the remainder of his life. I had closure and could live my life as mum would have wanted me to.”

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Tracey said her campaign to keep Farrow in prison is also aimed at protecting other women.

She said: “The fear is that he will kill again. Not his girlfriend or anyone he is in a relationship with, as he has an emotional attachment to them. His next victim would be a stranger again. A woman who wears the shoes he likes, then he stalks and follows them home, confident in his practised modus operandi of asking for directions or to use their phone to get into their homes.

“The probation officer who did Farrow’s post-sentencing report said: ‘He was totally sane, yet he killed Wendy Speakes the way he did and did other things to her that are unrepeatable. He is a psychopathic shoe fetishist, a sadist, a misogynist and is very dangerous – he will kill another woman’. She is not alone in her opinion.

“The social media posts from those that worked with him, knew him, came across Farrow in their daily lives, and the women we know he stalked and attempted to gain access to after he had murdered my mum who were lucky to escape with their lives – they all say the same – he will kill again. will continue to raise my campaign so that everyone will know his name, his face and what a danger he is to women in society.

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“I will make sure Farrow doesn’t live the free life he took away from my mum and will take away from his next victims and vow to make sure more families do not suffer like we have. Life does not mean life for Farrow. Only for me. I now have to fight for the rest of my life to keep Farrow where he belongs.

“Women should be safe whether inside or outside of the home. We need to take violence against women seriously across society and take action to keep dangerous murderers like Farrow locked up before more lives are lost.”