Watch moment driver hits speeds of 100mph through Leeds before killing 22-year-old woman

This video shows the moment a speeding driver was seen on camera doing speeds of up to 100mph – shortly before he crashed killing a 22-year-old student.

Jonathan Hopkinson was over the drink-drive limit when he got in his Audi on June 18, 2022, with his eight-year-old daughter in the passenger seat.

His Audi sped through the street of Leeds – reaching speeds of up to 100mph – before he crashed with a Nissan Juke being driven by 22-year-old Alice Birchall.

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Alice, of Cross Gates, was taken to hospital after being critically injured but died shortly after. His eight-year-old daughter also suffered serious injuries following the crash.

Hopkinson (pictured) was jailed after killing Alice Birchall (right) in a crash in Cross Gates in June 2022. (pics by WYP)Hopkinson (pictured) was jailed after killing Alice Birchall (right) in a crash in Cross Gates in June 2022. (pics by WYP)
Hopkinson (pictured) was jailed after killing Alice Birchall (right) in a crash in Cross Gates in June 2022. (pics by WYP)

Hopkinson admitted drink driving, causing death by dangerous driving and causing serious injury by dangerous driving at an earlier hearing.

The 36-year-old was jailed for eight years on Tuesday with a further two-year sentence for causing serious injury by dangerous driving to run concurrently.

Detective Constable Lindsey Pickles of West Yorkshire Police’s Major Collision Enquiry Team (MCET) said: “By taking to the wheel while over limit that night, Hopkinson’s actions caused the death of one young woman and untold devastation to her friends and family. He also caused the serious injury of a child.”

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“Our thoughts go out to Alice’s family. Nothing will bring her back, but I hope the sentence handed down today will bring some closure as well as serving as a message to those who drive under the influence of drink or drugs.”

Judge Tom Bayliss KC said the smash occurred 10 days before a change in the law, which increased the maximum sentence available for causing death by dangerous driving, from 14 years’ jail to life imprisonment. Judge Bayliss said he needed to apply the laws at the time of the crash.

He added: “You made a number of choices. You chose to drive while over the prescribed limit. You chose to carry your daughter in the car. You chose to drive at grossly-excessive speeds at some considerable distance. The speeds are breathtaking. She [Alice] suffered catastrophic injuries and died two days later. It not only ends one life, but affects and blights many others.”