Plastic whale's pollution warning

Matt Alexander/PA Wire

PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo.Matt Alexander/PA Wire

Matt Alexander/PA Wire PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo.
TWO THIRDs of people would be willing to see charges similar to the 5p plastic bag levy applied to other single-use plastics such as bottles, cups and straws, a survey suggests.

Almost nine out of 10 were concerned by the UK’s use of plastics, a poll of more than 2,000 people for Sky Ocean Rescue by FlyResearch found.

The results of the survey were revealed as a giant whale model – made of the amount of plastic bags, bottles and other litter which pollute the oceans every second – was unveiled to highlight the scale of the problem.

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Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes and model Jodie Kidd helped reveal the 33ft creation in London. It is made of plastics from oceans, beach cleans and local recycling plants, and will go on a tour of England, Wales and Scotland.

Matt Alexander/PA Wire

PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo.Matt Alexander/PA Wire

Matt Alexander/PA Wire PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo.

The tour will give members of the public easy tips on how to tackle the plastic waste problem, from using a refillable plastic bottle to saying no to straws and plastic bags.

Researchers have estimated that eight million tonnes of plastic pollution enters the ocean globally every year.

Sir Ranulph said: “I’ve explored some of the most remote and vast points of the world and yet still witnessed the reach of ocean pollution.”

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