Bryan Lawrence, scout leader

Bryan LawrenceBryan Lawrence
Bryan Lawrence
Bryan Lawrence, who has died at 81, was one of the leading lights of scouting in Scarborough.

Having put in more than 60 years of service to the organisation, he was made an MBE in 2015 and held the Scout Association’s highest award, the Silver Wolf.

Despite not being a Scout as a child, he became a leader at 17 after agreeing to cover for a friend who was emigrating.

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He went on to oversee the building of the scout headquarters in Scarborough’s Maple Drive, which opened in 1970.

He stepped down as leader of the First Scarborough group in 2010, but he continued as president and treasurer.

“There are people all over the world that were at that group,” he recalled. “I still hear from people in Australia, Germany, Canada and the USA.”

A plumber by trade, joined his family’s business after leaving school.

His wife, Heather, died last year and he is survived by stepchildren and grandchildren.