Pavement perils are political hazard too – The Yorkshire Post says

The poor state of pavements has been highlighted.The poor state of pavements has been highlighted.
The poor state of pavements has been highlighted.
EVEN though potholes are an occupational hazard on Yorkshire’s roads, they’re even more of an inconvenience when they appear on pavements and make it harder for the less mobile to get out and about.

Nearly one third of OAPs blame cracked or uneven pavements for limiting the amount of walking that they do at a time when regular exercise is encouraged.

Another obstacle to overcome in the campaign to reduce loneliness, this – rather than Brexit – is precisely the type of local issue that should be featuring in the campaign ahead of tomorrow’s town hall elections.

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And rather than some voters choosing to take out their Brexit frustrations on councillors, and candidates, who are powerless on this totemic issue, they should be engaging with campaigners on those local matters where they can make difference to society.

If not, the pool of potential people willing to serve their community will diminish further and democracy will be all the poorer.