YP Letters: Brownlees overlooked for sporting honours

The Brownlee brothers were notable omissions from the new year honours list dominated by Olympic and Paralympic champions.The Brownlee brothers were notable omissions from the new year honours list dominated by Olympic and Paralympic champions.
The Brownlee brothers were notable omissions from the new year honours list dominated by Olympic and Paralympic champions.
From: Shaun Kavangh, Morley.

I AGREE wholeheartedly, Alistair and Jonny Brownlee should most certainly have received honours for putting triathlon on the world stage (Tom Richmond, The Yorkshire Post, January 7).

Yes, triathlon was a recognised sport previously but never more so than it is now, with people of all ages taking to the sport and rising to the challenges introduced by the brothers.

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Not only have the brothers put Yorkshire well and truly on the map, but England also. Two fine young upstanding ambassadors for Leeds, Yorkshire and their country and yet nothing by way of a thank you?

When you see a young 15-year-old, never really heard of until Rio, receiving an MBE for swimming (congratulations to her for her success and achievements) and Andy Murray receiving a knighthood (very deserved), someone who, apparently, is not a lover of the country who awarded it, but gladly accepted it anyway, it does create disbelief that the Brownlee brothers received nothing.

I take nothing away from the current recipients but awards have to be sensible. The honours system appears, in many respects, a case of who you know, and not what you do. What more can the Brownlee brothers do to receive their rightful recognition from the country they represent?