YP Letters: Fracking threat to the North's future

A fracking protest.A fracking protest.
A fracking protest.
From Sue Cuthbert, Newton on Rawcliffe, Ryedale.

IT was with great sadness that I read that over 70 per cent voted in favour to your recent poll question “Should we give fracking a chance?”

My guess is that most of those people do not live in an area where there is the threat of fracking.

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The North of England will be sacrificed for the benefit of the South if fracking goes ahead. Is that fair?

From: June Smith, Pottergate, Helmsley, York.

I HAVE just read yet again that this Government plans to change the rules to allow decisions for fracking wells to be taken away from local councils. Where does this leave our elected MPs and councils?

This patronising and undemocratic Government need to be aware that the strength of opposition is growing and the more they push, the harder we will dig our heels in. We are very worried for our future and that of our grandchildren.

Shambles over legal aid

From: Nigel Boddy, Solicitor, Fife Road, Darlington

THE collapse of the new arrangements for criminal legal aid have left this Government (and the previous one) looking foolish and incompetent. An army of lawyers now all have compensation claims against the Government for the way this costly, wasteful process has been handled.

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I personally lost my job over it. Firms have collapsed under the strain and closed their doors when not awarded a contract in the first round. Some people have gone into bankruptcy.

The Government should give instructions to compensate people who have lost money, without any further delay to minimise the legal expenses they’ll incur otherwise.

Justice Secretary Michael Gove has been warned time and again. If he wanted to save money on criminal legal aid, the only way was to expand the public defender service. That is how schemes are run in the USA and many Commonwealth countries.

Sir Terry’s 
gift of joy

From: John Craven, Baildon.

SO Labour councillor Tim Mickleburgh (The Yorkshire Post, February 2) feels the Press have gone overboard in the coverage of the death of Sir Terry Wogan.

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To say he was just another broadcaster is a poor reflection on a man who brought great joy to millions of people through his radio and television shows.

This has been reflected by the huge outpouring of memories and tales of his kindness, compassion and help to others.

I suppose Coun Mickleburgh would save such coverage for politicians and their like.

Brewery on Odeon site

From: Mr ME Toft, Silsden.

REGARDING the letter from Charles Rushton (The Yorkshire Post, January 27). He correctly wrote that the New Victoria cinema (now Odeon), Bradford, was built on the site of a brewery. It was not called the Victoria brewery though. It was The Old Brewery owned until 1928 by William Whitaker & Co. Ltd. The business was established in 1757.

Grouse moors under fire

From: C Hodgson, Park Avenue, Sherburn-in-Elmet.

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THE debate about the grouse issue on Ilkley Moor reminds me of a tweet I saw recently in a countryside publication: “Driven grouse shooting responsible for: global warming, flooding, rickets, scurvy, Chelsea FC poor performance, and the outbreak of World War Two.”

Sort of sums it up really!

Dickie is a kindred spirit

From: Ken Holmes, Cliffe Common, Selby.

I TRULY enjoyed reading the article on cricket legend Dickie Bird in your magazine (The Yorkshire Post, January 30). It made me feel so proud to be a Yorkshireman.

I am also so proud to be a true traditionalist, having taken part in England’s oldest horse race on 25 occasions and being the present record holder.

Two years older than Dickie, I much admire his sentiments and love of Yorkshire and its scenery.

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I feel highly honoured to live in the midst of a farming and hunting community, farmers and their wives represent all that Yorkshire men and women stand for. Dependable, honest and hard working. Long live Yorkshire County Cricket Club and The Kiplingcotes Derby, England’s oldest horse race.

A Christian country

From: Martyn L Scargill, Chantry Meadows, Kilham.

Great Britain is a Christian country. This has been the case for nearly 2,000 years. It is the lock upon which the land is founded. I feel that God should be the basis for any National Anthem. The atheists, humanists and others, have been trying to push God out of the picture for years. It is high time that we as a nation put a stop to this foolishness.