Crime commissioners are an ineffective burden on police service - Yorkshire Post Letters

Could police resources be better spent?Could police resources be better spent?
Could police resources be better spent?
From: Peter Hyde, Driffield.

As a former police officer, I cannot but help but agree with your correspondent Peter Rickaby (The Yorkshire Post. February 11).

'Biggest police cash boost for decades will not reverse damage caused by cuts'The cost of police commissioners is just another ineffective burden on the service. The police have lost much of the trust of the general public simply because they no longer do foot patrols and connect with the public.

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This is not altogether the fault of the officers who do meet the public, but the fact that their numbers have been decimated.

It has resulted in crime being shelved and, in some cases, not even reported because the victims feel that nothing can – or will be done – to find the culprit.