Do we really live in a democracy when power corrupts? - Yorkshire Post Letters

Malcolm Naylor, Cowpasture Road, Ilkley.

Government? What government? Freedom? What freedom?

Our fraudulent democracy gives power to some who may initially be well intentioned but rapidly become corrupted by the system, human weaknesses and addiction to power.

Freedom and power are mutually exclusive. They are complete opposites. And like fools we give democracy credibility by participating in elections.

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A voter placing a ballot paper in the ballot box. PIC: PAA voter placing a ballot paper in the ballot box. PIC: PA
A voter placing a ballot paper in the ballot box. PIC: PA

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men,” Lord Acton, nineteenth century historian. History, and the present, are full of examples.

Just look at what is happening in France. Ukraine, Sudan, Israel/Palestine and the UK now, to name just a few. All governed under fraudulent democracies and controlling its populations by propaganda (and undemocratic laws).

Freedom? What freedom. More laws. More control. Laws enslave the masses to behave as the elite few want them to behave.

We have a highly inflated opinion of our intellect (and morality) and are deluded that democracy will protect freedom. It won’t and doesn’t. Anyone who believes this is a victim of brainwashing propaganda.

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Our brains are wired to respond with plasticity to messages and this is an open door for propagandists. We are receptive to sensory information and believe we think independently. Which we don’t. We are all victims of propaganda.

Propaganda is present in all media and entertainment whether we recognise it or not. Drama, soap operas, sport, Olympics, comedy, Eurovision song, coronations and the news. Even so called critical and investigative reports. And woven in such a subtle way to disguise it. So where have these morally degenerate ideas come from in the first place? And who is controlling them? Who are the beneficiaries? Always follow the money. And then power.

Money and power are not mutually exclusive but close bedfellows. And language is the tool of propagandists to induce and control behaviour.

Beware of organisations with names designed to give the impression they are protecting the public. World Health Organisation (WHO), The World Economic Forum (WEF) and UK Privy Council for example. None of which have any democratic structure. They exist to protect those with power and money.

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Lewis Carol summed this up in his allegorical Alice in Wonderland by stating “words can mean anything you want them to mean.” Such as legal and illegal wars for example.

It is staggering when news reports refer to “illegal” wars. Illegal?

How can any war be described as being “legal” or otherwise? This is an obscenity. There is no such thing as a “legal” war. It merely demonstrates the insanity of man made laws and abuse of language. Law is a device for control. Not moral behaviour.

We need to understand how language can be used to present valid arguments for everything we do. Good and bad.

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When the population is glued to their TVs for the coronation installing an unelected King they are observing how the powerful are spending our money undemocratically and exercising power over us. Without any pretence of democracy.

Government. What government?