Letter: We must learn from the past

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They say history repeats itself and that those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are bound to make the same mistakes again.

Looking back at the referendum of 1975 we see that a reluctant government was forced by popular opinion into offering one; that the ‘in’ side completely dwarfed the ‘out’ in financial terms as they spent £1,850,000 compared to a mere £133,000; of the 41 Tories who supported ‘out’, only five actually said anything, and that big business backed ‘in’ while we on the ‘out’ side sold pens and t-shirts to raise funds.

Does any of this sound even vaguely familiar?

Today we are told we will be starting even with £7m for each side, and yet the ‘in’ have already spent at least £10m on propaganda, not including the undisclosed cost of producing the “Britain Stronger in Europe” (BSE) leaflet which came through many of our doors, the contents of which have been shown to be false in many respects.

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In 1975 what those on the ‘out’ side were saying has been proved true by time.

That being ‘in’ would lead to loss of sovereignty, loss of jobs, higher prices and much more.

They were right then, and I believe we are right now when we say voting ‘leave’ is the best choice for our national future.

Those backing the ‘in’ side are mainly the political failures of our history – Clegg, Kinnock, Mandelson, Blair, Major and Cameron, most of whom have extremely well paid jobs in the EU – or big business leaders who even the ‘in’ side admit see the EU as a place of low wages and easy recruitment (source: Lord Rose, leader of BSE).

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The question for June 23 is who are you going to believe? Those who want us in for their personal reasons, or those who have been proved right several times before?

Gary Shores

Butterfly Meadows,
