Proper apology needed over Lady Susan Hussey's unacceptable comments: Yorkshire Post Letters

From: Gillian Anderson, Warren Lane, Eldwick, Bingley.

The recently much reported, unacceptable comments made by Lady Susan Hussey at a Buckingham Palace reception hosted by the Queen Consort might be regarded by some as a storm in a teacup but, given this woman’s high status spanning many decades within the Royal Household, it raises questions as to how many others have been subjected to her interrogation over the years.

She may argue that her intentions at Wednesday’s reception were well intended, without malice and nothing more than innocent interested curiosity. However, the speed with which she resigned sends out alarm bells with me.

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An apology from Buckingham Palace for Lady Hussey’s remarks is all very well but this woman ought to be the one to offer personally an unreserved apology to the lady to whom she made the remarks. This incident, whilst possibly souring the occasion for the Sista Space organisation, will hopefully have not detracted from the event as a whole.