Howden relief road: Farmer objects to massive new roundabout which means he won't be able to get his cattle in or out

A FARMER is objecting to plans for a roundabout outside his farm as part of a £49m new relief road for Howden.

Mark Walker said he only discovered that it was to be built directly outside his farm entrance on Thorpe Road in a letter from East Riding Council in February.

Planning permission was granted for the road last June, paving the way for a massive scheme including 1,900 homes, an extension to kitchen manufacturer Howdens, a supermarket, medical centre and primary school.

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Applicants JG Hatcliffe and Howden Joinery Properties Ltd have said the development “will create a desirable place that will stand the test of time”.

Andy Walker by the pastureland which the new link road will crossAndy Walker by the pastureland which the new link road will cross
Andy Walker by the pastureland which the new link road will cross

However, Mr Walker said it will have a massive impact on his mixed farm as delivery trucks won’t be able to back in.

The road will cross nature-rich pastureland land opposite his farm, and end in the roundabout with an arm at the entrance. While The Yorkshire Post was there, a number of endangered lapwings and oystercatchers were on the partially-flooded fields.

Mr Walker said he couldn't understand why the link road "was swinging round to take out a hedgerow" he believes is several centuries-old, or why there's been no outcry over the destruction of habitat he says is visited by declining and threatened birds, including curlew, snipe and woodcock.

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"Normally we get cuckoos - I haven't heard them this year but I have every other year," he said. "I knew there was a proposed development, but there was no official notification until February.

Fourth-generation farmer Andy WalkerFourth-generation farmer Andy Walker
Fourth-generation farmer Andy Walker

"I don't use social media. I rang the council after I got the letter, they promised to come out after Easter.

"I rang them up again and they more or less said they were too busy and they wouldn't move the roundabout. Wagons and delivery trucks have to back in so when the roundabout is there I’ll be stuck.

"It’s very poorly thought out and has no regard to the environment and the wildlife that’s there.”

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Neighbour Dave Woolass said the development was "terrible" and he was concerned for the impact on Mr Walker's farm.

The plan for the roundabout outside Andy Walker's farmThe plan for the roundabout outside Andy Walker's farm
The plan for the roundabout outside Andy Walker's farm

The council said the land was earmarked for a mixed development in 2021, with the planning application following in 2022.

A spokesperson said: “The developer held consultation events at Shire Hall in Howden along with presentations to Howden Town Council and publicity through the media.” The application “was advertised widely, including notices being placed on the site, and comments were invited”.

Just eight public comments were received – and “no specific issue about farm vehicles turning was raised”. There were no objections from the highways department and habitat and ecology surveys, carried out in consultation with the council's ecologist and Natural England, raised no objections in terms of impact on any protected species”.

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The site includes “a large offsite habitat mitigation area”. “The relief road will be the first part of this development and, once the road is in place, housing and other mixed development is expected to follow,” the statement said.