YP Letters: After years of division on Europe, a Tory split is inevitable

Brexit talks are underway - but can Theresa May survive?Brexit talks are underway - but can Theresa May survive?
Brexit talks are underway - but can Theresa May survive?
From: Nigel Boddy, Fife Road, Darlington.

IT must be obvious to all students of history that the Tory party has now reached one of those points in our nation’s life when it must split in two. David Cameron and Theresa May managed to delay that split with referendums and u-turns but this can go on no longer.

No one wishes to see a coalition between the DUP and the Conservative Party.

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It has been clear for 20 years to any objective bystander, no one single party, can contain both Ken Clarke and the eurosceptics.

The answer to our country’s problems are to be found in our history. The people must be afforded the opportunity to decide which one of the two opposing views of ‘Conservatism’ has a future.

From: Hilary Andrews, Leeds.

I DESPAIR at the recent correspondence in your paper and other media condemning Theresa May for the election result and all our other woes.

The policy of “kicking a dog when it’s down” seems to be prevalent amongst the British people, politicians and media at the moment – so sad. We should all get behind Mrs May as she tries to get the best deal possible for the UK in negotiations with a cocky EU.

From: Max Wilson, Hull.

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DURING the election, Theresa May ridiculed the prospect of Jeremy Corbyn going ‘alone and naked’ into Brexit negotiations.

“I know that’s an image that doesn’t bear thinking about,” she said. How ironic that this is now Mrs May’s fate. Judging by how the EU rebuffed her proposals on residency rights, it will teach her for making such insulting remarks about an opponent who she under-estimated.

Just imagine the outcry if Mr Corbyn had made similar comments about his opponent? It doesn’t bear thinking about.

From: PJ Blackshaw, Cleckheaton.

I AM now getting thoroughly sick and tired of all the discussions surrounding Brexit. Everyone and his dog seems to have a different idea of what we voted for.

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We had a referendum on June 23, 2016, and the vote was – simply – to leave the EU. We didn’t vote for a soft Brexit or a hard Brexit. We voted to leave, full stop. The result of that referendum stands.

Can everybody, please, just shut up and let the Prime Minister get on with doing what the referendum gave her a mandate to do? Leave the EU.