YP Letters: Anger at lack of any plan for Brexit Britain

George Osborne is facing resignation calls.George Osborne is facing resignation calls.
George Osborne is facing resignation calls.
From: Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley.

I HAVE been eurosceptic all this millennium and now, in my 74th year, have worked to the best of my limited ability to help the Leave campaign.

I have been a Conservative Party supporter from the age of 24, serving as a councillor, party officer and local election agent. The Conservative party became more liberal, abandoning the basic priorities that I signed up to when I joined in 1972. Like so many old Tories, I became disillusioned and resigned from the party last November.

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On Monday June 20, Chancellor George Osborne told an LBC reporter that there were no Treasury plans for Brexit. In that one sentence, he displayed such arrogance and a gross dereliction of duty. What a sad state of affairs. The reporter hoped Osborne was lying to him.

I call on the PM to relieve Mr Osborne from his duties as Chancellor of the Exchequer sooner rather than later. He is probably the most hated man among the remaining party members, there will be no healing until both of them are out of high office.

From: John Kellett, Wensley Drive, Leeds.

LIKE many of your readers, I was deeply saddened by the poll result. However, for me, there was one positive outcome which slightly lessened the gloom. I am proud to say that the people of Harrogate, Leeds and York supported the Remain campaign.

It is no coincidence that the well-educated and caring citizens of these very successful communities saw the value of sharing their prosperity with Europe and the world.

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To me this is a clear sign that the sooner we join together with other forward-looking cities such as Manchester, the better it will be for our future. It also occurred to me that the perfect inspirational name for this new aspiratory super city is Haleyork.

I would also like to add I would be quite happy for less fortunate citizens from other parts of Yorkshire to be allowed to live and work in the new metropolis and share in its wealth both in terms of finance and culture.

From: Philip Guest, Everingham, York.

THE people have spoken and the political classes are obliged to comply. They are the reason that we voted for out, because they never listen to the people, particularly in the North.

From: Martin Crowson, Market Place, Leyburn.

RACIST flyers posted in homes of Eastern Europeans in Cambridgeshire, Welsh Muslims told to “pack their bags and go home”, men chanting “out, out, out” at Muslims in Brockley, a “repatriation now” rally in Newcastle, a Portuguese family who say they are frightened in Peterborough.

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The pound in freefall, two trillion wiped off investments across the globe, credit ratings agencies downgrade the UK, Scotland announces a second independence referendum, calls for Ireland reunification.

Leave lies on NHS funding and immigration laid bare. Government in paralysis, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove in hiding as project fear turns into project reality. Welcome to Brexit Britain.

From: Derek Hutchinson, Kirkbymoorside.

I HAVE never agreed with the 
use of referendums as a means 
of taking very important decisions. This is a case of politicians passing on their responsibilities to the general public to solve problems of their own making.

Also, the general public 
will vote in a certain way for all sorts of reasons often not related to the questions on the ballot paper. A good example of this was clearly demonstrated on 
the television when five people from the North East were asked why they had voted to leave 
the EU?

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No. 1 said because she was sick of the North/South divide and most of the wealth ending up in the South East. No. 2 said because she does not like the Tories. No.3 said because he wanted to get back at David Cameron and George Osborne for their austerity budgets. No.4 said because he thought we should take control of immigration. No. 5 said he didn’t really have a reason but went with the flow, even though he worked for Nissan and there will now be some doubt about the future.

Only one in five of these 
“Out” votes had anything to do with the EU, but the referendum was used as a means of getting one over on our elected government. I wonder how many thousands 
of others, especially Labour voters in a very high turnout, voted in the same way?

Unfortunately, there is no 
way of finding out and investigating the validity of 
this potentially catastrophic result.

From: John Watson, Kirk Deighton, Wetherby.

BEFORE the UK can give notice to leave the EU, such action requires an Act of Parliament. The referendum result alone is not sufficient authority for that to be done.

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Why should any Scottish MP vote for such a Bill? The Scottish people have just given all their MPs the specific authority to do the opposite. Or why should any London MP support the Bill?

Or, for that matter, why should it be supported by the MPs for York or Harrogate?

As we shall undoubtedly hear in the next few weeks, the referendum result was only “advisory”.

Many an MP (and even more members of the House of Lords) will not be minded to follow that advice.

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They are, after all, elected to understand the needs of their electors but, ultimately, to exercise their own judgment.

From: Mr JC Smith, Beech View, Fryston Lane, Ferrybridge.

THE recent referendum indicates that when everybody’s vote counts it is far better 
than having elected members 
at various constituencies.

I think therefore that 
PR would reflect far better 
the wishes of the voters, and 
the MPs elected would be a better reflection of the votes 