YP Letters: Boris Johnson right to compare EU's ambitions to those of Hitler

Boris Johnson's comparision of the EU to Hutler has won favour from readers.Boris Johnson's comparision of the EU to Hutler has won favour from readers.
Boris Johnson's comparision of the EU to Hutler has won favour from readers.
From: Dick Lindley, Altofts, Normanton, West Yorkshire.

WHEN Boris Johnson recently referred to the corrupt EU as being similar to Hitler’s Europe and Napoleon’s Grand Empire, he is exactly right (The Yorkshire Post, May 16).

They have not, of course, descended to the levels of coercion or brutality that the previous incarnations of European fanatics indulged in. Nonetheless, their aim of creating a United States of Europe, stretching from the Urals in the East to the Atlantic in the West, with Germany as its leader and Great Britain being reduced to a small insignificant Länder on the westernmost fringes of the Germanic empire, remains exactly the same as in all previous incarnations.

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There can be no doubt that the EU is now beginning to look frighteningly like the Fourth Reich.

Now is the time for people of Great Britain to pull the rug from under the feet of those Europhiles, who are determined to allow the EU Commissars enforce their rule over us. Boris Johnson’s analysis is absolutely correct. Well said, Boris!

From: AJA Smith, Cowling.

BORIS Johnson is absolutely correct in his statement when he warns that while bureaucrats in Brussels are using “different methods” from the Nazi dictator, they share the aim of unifying Europe under one “authority”.

Manuel Barroso, former president of the European Commission, was quite open about the ambitions of the EU: “Sometimes I like to compare the EU as a creation to the organisation of empire. We have the dimension of empire.”

From: Terry Palmer, South Lea Avenue, Hoyland, Barnsley.

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BORIS Johnson tells it as it is by saying that the modern EU is no different to the aspirations of certain French kings, Napoleon and Hitler in wanting a united Europe not by war but by stealth. I would suggest he’s spot on. Who is pulling David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn and Tim Farron’s strings? None other than German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

From: Dr Peter Asquith-Cowen, Anlaby, Beverley.

WHATEVER view we take on the EU, Boris Johnson’s absurd comparison has undermined his own credibility and intelligence. Frankly, I am surprised that a man of his supposed intellect could be so cavalier with words. To compare the EU to Hitler is totally ridiculous and without historical foundation.