YP Letters: If we stay on EU road to integration there will be no escape

Will Britain vote to remain in the EU or not?Will Britain vote to remain in the EU or not?
Will Britain vote to remain in the EU or not?
From: John Nunn, Huddersfield.

FORGET David Cameron’s “re-negotiations”. If we accept and vote for continuing on the current path towards full European integration, eventually there will be no opt-outs on anything.

Europe will be a single political entity governed from Brussels. It will have a fully integrated economy with a single currency (the euro) and one central bank, no internal borders, its own armed forces, an EU police force, a Europe of regions, its own courts and judicial system.

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It is undemocratic at the moment and there’s not much chance of that changing.

Heaven forbid letting the people of Europe having any say in their future.

It’s going to be a Europe designed for politicians and corporations, but not for the people. What could possibly go wrong?

This may be our one and only chance. In my view, the UK’s answer to the question of “European Union” should be another two simple and easy to understand words. No thanks.

From: Rory Mulvihill, Palmes Close, Naburn, York.

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ON a recent Radio 4 Today programme, John Major credited the EU with eradicating fascism in Spain, Portugal and Greece. Of all the outlandish claims made thus far by the Remain campaign, this is surely the most egregious.

Portugal adopted a democratic constitution in 1976, but didn’t join the EU (then the European Community) until 1986. Spain established a constitutional monarchy in 1978, over seven years before it joined the EU. Greece broke free of its military rulers in 1974, but did not become a member of the EU until 1981.

He also had the chutzpah to praise the EU for helping to rebuild the Balkans after the war, when it was the EU’s paralysed reaction to that conflict (and abrogation of responsibility in favour of Nato) which contributed significantly to the extent of the damage caused.

By talking in this propagandic fashion, apologists like Major unwittingly cast the EU as the Forrest Gump of European history – constantly making fantastical claims of presence at, and having had influence on, the defining events of the age.

From Howard Rainbow, Stanley, Wakefield.

WITH all the underhand dealing that David Cameron is doing in favour of staying in the EU, how can we, the electorate, be sure of a fair unbiased outcome?