YP Letters: Ignorance of modern democratic Europe fuels Brexiteers

Chancellor George Osborne (right) listens as Prime Minister David Cameron delivers a speech on the economic impact of the UK leaving the European Union at B&Q headquarters.Chancellor George Osborne (right) listens as Prime Minister David Cameron delivers a speech on the economic impact of the UK leaving the European Union at B&Q headquarters.
Chancellor George Osborne (right) listens as Prime Minister David Cameron delivers a speech on the economic impact of the UK leaving the European Union at B&Q headquarters.
From: James Bovington, Church Grove, Horsforth, Leeds.

MODERN federal Germany is a democratic state through and through, with a balanced power structure that sees power decentralised to the various constituent regions. Ignorance of the political culture of other European nations is endemic to the anti-EU brigade.

It’s the same old story, firstly the EU is an anti-democratic plot to abolish the historic nation states of Europe and rule everyone centrally from Brussels next it’s a Franco-German plot to create a Paris-Berlin axis to dominate Europe for their own benefit. It’s a unique project sharing sovereignty for the common good. It isn’t perfect and it is expensive, but it is a safe harbour for the good ship Britannia.

From: Eric Wood, Holme Road, Market Weighton.

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UNLESS countries can once again control their borders, uncontrolled mass immigration will inevitably lead to greater social tension, hostility and the very European civil war Mr Cameron and his friends pretend they are preventing. Already barbed wire fences are going up across the borders of EU states. Only by leaving the EU can we hope to save this continent from political and economic disaster.

From: Keith Wigglesworth, Highburton, Huddersfield.

OUR Prime Minister has often utilised the word “fairness”, but is being distinctly unfair in his referendum handling. Not content with unfairly using public funds to promote his own views, he is now using postal vote information. This latest communication states “the facts from independent experts”, this in heavy type and underlined.

These are not facts, Prime Minister, but merely opinions. Does he think the electorate is stupid? Evidently he does and displays yet another enormous lack of “fairness” here.

From: Michael Dobson, York.

WHY are we afraid of leaving the EU? Do we lack the ambition of the old colonies to rule ourselves? If America, Australia, and India can make a success of independence from colonial rule, what is there to stop Britain having an equally successful future outside the EU?

From: Hugh Rogers, Ashby.

WHY does Jeremy Corbyn want us to stay in Europe? Why would any self-respecting Labour supporter vote to remain in the EU, thereby helping Cameron stay as Prime Minister?