YP Letters: NHS is being starved by Tory cuts and bad management

Is the Government starving the NHS to death?Is the Government starving the NHS to death?
Is the Government starving the NHS to death?
From: Dave Croucher, Pinfold Gardens, Doncaster.

THE NHS is in deep trouble, caused by cutbacks.

One of the Government’s long-standing lies since they came to power was that “the NHS is safe in our hands”.

It is obvious to everyone that the Government is, in fact, starving the NHS to death.

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Theresa May needs to get to grips with the Health Service problems immediately or it will be lost forever, and she should bear in mind what happened to the previous PM who did not listen to the public. People power is on the move across the Western world and the man in the street demands being listened to.

From: Raymond Knight, Broadway, Newport, Shropshire.

IF the NHS has to have some form of overall management, then let it be by independent managers trained in management from industry. If the NHS is allowed to continue on its present course, it will cease to exist in 10 years’ time.

From: Colin Proctor, Leeds.

WHEN the crazy Conservatives closed all the coal mines and started to purchase cheap foreign coal, we were expecting cheaper energy bills.

Then they privatised the energy companies with the result that they became an energy market where users had to shop around on lap-tops

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This crazy system which allows millionaires in their mansions to pay less for their energy than a pensioner in a one bed-room flat. (Most pensioners have not got access to a computer).

The energy bills are now twice as much as any other EU country. It has got so bad that many pensioners cannot afford to put their heating on, and visit libraries or sit in bus stations and travel on buses to keep warm. It will get worse as a depression begins to bite and more jobs are lost.

From: D Webb, Rothwell.

THE ban on smokers regarding surgery by the NHS begs the question why does the Government allow such a life threatening product such as cigarettes to be sold in the first place?

The first answer that comes into my head is the amount of 
tax the Government receives from tobacco products. Many smokers use the fact that they pay so much tax, as a reason why they are entitled to use the NHS in its entirety.

And why do television stations promote programmes to be shown after the 9pm watershed prior to this time? It seems to defeat the object.