YP Letters: No simple solutions to Middle East conflict

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
From: Shaun JS Pye, Moor Park Mount, Leeds.

I AM sure that Cecil Crinnion’s letter, “Palestinians must renounce all terror tactics”, is well meant (The Yorkshire Post, September 14). However, it is simplistic.

Indeed Israel is a country recognised by the UN, but the UN also recognises that the occupation of the West Bank as illegal. Christians and Muslims of the West Bank who find that they are prevented from tending their crops, who have their houses knocked down and who find their land is confiscated for the building of Jewish settlements cannot be expected to feel happy about the situation; just as farmers in the south of Israel can not be happy about kite-torches setting fire to their fields.

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A way forward is needed but there is no simple answer, as seems to be suggested by Mr Crinnion.

Northern Ireland has, perhaps, shown us the way. Firstly it needs pressure from influential countries/organisations to push the parties towards reconciliation. Currently nobody is pushing Benjamin Netanyahu. Secondly it needs those in powerful positions on both sides to genuinely want to seek peace, reconciliation and justice. I don’t know whether the current Palestinian leadership wants this, but it is clear that the Israeli government does not.