YP Letters: Option of walking away is a must in Brexit negotiations '“ readers react to latest developments

Should there be a second referendum over Brexit?Should there be a second referendum over Brexit?
Should there be a second referendum over Brexit?
From: M Haley, Leeds.

SO Parliament wants a bigger say in the negotiations now the vote has been pulled on Theresa May’s deal?

I am surprised at the optimism of MPs, but not their ignorance. How do they think they can do any better without the walk away option – a must in any negotiation strategy?

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The EU can stand firm and leave all the worrying to the UK, as they have done, despite the fact that they need a deal just as much as we do. The balance of trade argument stands firm in that they sell more to us than we do to them.

The bigger advantage for the UK in the negotiations, that we are not playing on, is that the euro is also likely to fall if there is no deal with a similar, if not worse, impact on prices and inflation.

The UK is fortunate in that it has its own currency.

From: Robert Bottamley, Thorn Road, Hedon.

ALMOST since the first day the referendum result was declared, the political and financial establishment has worked tirelessly to reverse the decision. They are close to succeeding. The argument they now put is that if Theresa May’s proposal is ultimately rejected, the natural consequence is that the UK should remain within the EU.

Through constant repetition, they expect to persuade us this is so.

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But their argument is false – and those inclined to support it should abandon any pretence of commitment to the principle of democracy, for the purpose of this campaign amounts to nothing less than an attempt to subvert the result of a democratic ballot.

From: Keith Punshon, Willow Bridge Lane, Dalton.

IN the wake of the Government now pulling the vote on Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement, the voting public will surely need full information of what might appear in the party manifestoes in a future election. I wonder if there will be guarantees that the parties will actually keep to their election promises?

From: Paul Morley, Long Preston.

FROM what I read of the Prime Minister’s deal, it puts the country in a far more inferior position than we were in before.

If so, surely all the Remain MPs should still oppose it? After all, they are the ones who, since 2016, have been telling us Leavers that we were stupid to vote for something that is worse than what we already have.