YP Letters: Pro-EU Lib Dems left standing as rivals collapse

Are the pro-EU Lib Dems the answer to Britain's political problems?Are the pro-EU Lib Dems the answer to Britain's political problems?
Are the pro-EU Lib Dems the answer to Britain's political problems?
From: Gerald Hodgson, Spennithorne, Leyburn.

AS the dust settles from the referendum disaster, one of several unintended consequences is the seismic split in the Conservative Party and the disintegration of the Labour Party.

This is the moment for voters to recall the beneficial effect exercised by the Liberal Democrats when in the coalition until two years ago.

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The Lib Dems are the only consistent, principled and 
united party, disgracefully sidelined by the BBC during the referendum, and whose time has come to offer leadership to the nation again.

I urge everyone, and especially those who voted “Remain”, to consider supporting and joining the Liberal Democrats.

From: Martin Cruttwell, Scrayingham, York.

AS a result of a string of illegal acts carried out over the last 40 years, not only do we now witness the nation split down the middle between the loyalists and lawless internationalists, but the nation’s very future is now to be decided by the lottery of leadership contests – each decided by a tiny fraction of the population.

The current uncertainty is not the fault of brave Brexiteers trying to recover the 
supremacy of English lawfulness, but the culmination of 40 years of lawless acts by party politicians with an agenda of their own not connected 
with the wishes of the native electorate.

From: Les Arnott, Athelstan Road, Sheffield.

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WHEN I was a teacher, I explained political integrity to a great many schoolchildren in this fashion: A democracy is a country in which the losers in any election gracefully accept the result – however much they may dislike it.

Does the political class in the UK have that level of probity any more? It is beginning to appear absent in far too many quarters.

The anti-democrats of Brussels have too many anti-democracy friends in the UK.

From: Peter Hyde, Driffield.

NOW is the time for Brexit to be implemented as soon as possible and all divisions put away in the cupboard. We need a fresh approach. If those in Government who proposed we remain in the EU accept the will of the people and buckle down to make the very best of our chance to rule ourselves, we shall become ‘Great’ Britain once more.

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However, if the result still rankles, then they should resign and allow others to do the job.

From: Nigel Boddy, Fife Road, Darlington.

WHAT was so conclusive about Thursday’s vote please? I may be shutting stable doors after horses have bolted here but can I point out please in England and Wales only 37.4 per cent of the electorate voted to leave the EU and 34.5 per cent voted to remain on Thursday?

From: Paul Morley, Ribblesdale Estate, Long Preston, Skipton.

MORE than two million people demand that the Brexit vote is overturned. Would these poor losers be demanding the result be overturned if they had won with the same majority? I don’t think so!

From: Phil Hanson, Beechmount Close, Baildon, Shipley.

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A POINT worth reminding Remainers of is that more than 10,000 EU employees are paid £142,000 or more a year. That is more than our PM and these people are unelected.

From: Karl Sheridan, Selby Road, Holme on Spalding Moor.

WHAT the population of the UK now require is a new government that has the backbone to implement changes, ensure we take back our borders, increase funding to enable us to have a decent police force and health service and, above all, show to the world the UK is strong and can survive.

We can win through this, and we can show the EU that their bureaucracy and corruption and vindictiveness will not break us. We are British!

From: Janet Berry, Hambleton.

SO our European cousins have responded to our departure with little respect or regard which was to be expected. I cannot believe that no one has responded to Nicola Sturgeon and told her to sling her hook. She should be reminded of how much we provide Scotland with – free prescriptions, no university tuition fees and no cost for old age homes.

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She is so eager to leave England and join the EU but it may not be as easy as she thinks. She has no loyalty to us and the sooner she goes the better in my opinion.

From: Christopher Crone, Westow, York.

TO all the young people 
currently blaming seniors 
for the “leave” vote and who rushed at the last minute to register for the right to enter 
the referendum, might I respectfully suggest that had they voted at the last general election we may well have had a different government and no referendum held.

From: Derek Coe, Sutton on Derwent.

MRS McDade (The Yorkshire Post, June 25) asks when she will be able to purchase her new “British passport”.

I suggest she waits until the “Brexit” terms are agreed and Scotland gets the independence it deserves, to avoid her wasting her money on several applications over the next five years or so.

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In any event, she might not be taking it out of its drawer for some time if the pound continues to depreciate.

Seriously though, if her passport has many years to run I would ask her to swallow her pride, keep her existing passport and donate the £72.50 to a good Yorkshire charity.

My favourite is Martin House Children’s Hospice where my daughter received exceptional care in her short life.